Video: McCluskey on Corbyn Project launch on ‘mainstream’ media bias and importance of new media

Corbyn’s project launch included shout-out for Socialist Telly, Skwawkbox, Canary and other left news sites

Len McCluskey image credit: R Wendland, Creative Commons; Corbyn image: PJP Youtube

Unite general secretary Len McCluskey appeared this afternoon alongside other leading left figures including Noam Chomsky, Zarah Sultana, Ronnie Kasrils and Yanis Varoufakis to launch Jeremy Corbyn’s new Project for Peace and Justice. The launch event has already been watched by 80,000 people just on Twitter and is on track to reach a quarter of a million people or perhaps far more. Keir Starmer’s latest Labour video reached just 94,000 people last week.

Corbyn said that one of the first aims of his ‘PJP’ is to ‘take on Rupert Murdoch and his plans to re-enter the British television market’ and the ‘oligarchy’ that threatens democracy and free media in the UK.

And when McCluskey was asked about the problems of corrupt ‘mainstream’ media, he found time to highlight the importance of new media sites, which he described as ‘the only good thing’ and ‘the one shining light’ on the UK’s bleak media landscape:

SKWAWKBOX and Socialist Telly received a mention among the new media outlets ‘speaking truth to power’ and democratising information.

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