The explosive truth about the deal Starmer’s office DID make for Corbyn’s reinstatement – and that the ‘MSM’ are not telling you straight

The media have started to hint, in vague terms, that Jeremy Corbyn’s advisers have evidence of ‘exchanges’ between Keir Starmer’s office and Corbyn – and that Corbyn’s team ‘say’ show a deal to reinstate him to the party – but, all too typically, the same media that spent years smearing Corbyn are diluting the reality. So here’s the short and straightforward version:

Such a deal, if proven, will be a clear case of the ‘political interference’ in the party’s disciplinary process that the EHRC’s report has forbidden – as is the subsequent decision to withdraw the whip because of the right-wing political backlash.

Labour insiders say that Starmer’s ‘reserve strategy’ is to blame two of his LOTO staff – whom he has already ‘bollocked’ to prepare the ground. If the issue becomes too hot, they will be made the scapegoats.

This, behind the fudging and cotton wool the media are using to blur it, is the current state of affairs.

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