BBC deletes article exposing deleted votes that would have put left-winger on NEC

The BBC has deleted an article it published exposing missing votes that led to a right-winger being put onto Labour’s National Executive Committee in place of a left candidate.

The article revealed that the hundreds of votes Labour deleted because members had resigned before the count – even though the contest’s rules did not require continued membership up to the results day – would have given Mick Antoniw the win instead of Carwyn Jones. Jones’s candidacy was already controversial because of his conduct as Welsh Labour leader around the suicide of Welsh Assembly Member Carl Sargent.

The BBC article has been deleted but is available on the Wayback Machine archive site.


The Labour right is making up the rules to suit its purge of left-wing members, with the NEC scandal and the ongoing fiasco of political interference in Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension standing as prime examples.

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