Analysis Breaking

Starmer suspends Corbyn for stating media claims about Labour’s <0.1% antisemitism were 'overstated'

Keir Starmer has withdrawn the whip from Jeremy Corbyn and suspended him from the party for stating this morning that the media’s claims about the extent of antisemitism in the party were ‘overstated’.

Independent external polling and the party’s own figures said that antisemitism complaints related to less than 0.1% – fewer than one in a thousand – of Labour members – and many of those complaints were subsequently dismissed for lack of evidence.

The EHRC report repeatedly praises improvements under the leadership of Corbyn and general secretary Jennie Formby – but even then states that only 40-odd people out of Labour’s almost 600,000 membership had needed to be expelled.


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  1. If the Labour Party wasn’t finished before, it is now that Starmer has Zionised it.

    1. we’re FAR from finished!

      and given Starmer’s *absolutely* pathetic response in HoC since the covid crisis began, he’s clearly hanging himself on an almost daily basis… it’s only a matter of time b4 he’s gone, and clearly the sooner, the better!

  2. First they came for the trade unionists, then they came for the Jews……..

    1. Jeremy, you should have stood up for yourself and those such as Chris Williamson who stood up for you. You are now reaping the rewards of your appeasement policy towards the Zionists who hated you.

      1. Yeah, sure Jack, but perhaps you could remind us what happened whenever he DID! Yes, he was attacked and vilified and demonised AGAIN, as you full well know of course!

        The following DM article is from December 5th last year, just one week before the GE:

        Labour’s dossier of shame: Jeremy Corbyn is personally accused of NINE anti-Semitic acts in bombshell report

        The damning dossier has been compiled by the Jewish Labour Movement, and submitted to the Equality and Human Rights Commission who are currently investigating the party.

        The 53-page document claims that ‘Mr Corbyn himself has repeatedly associated with, sympathised with and engaged in anti-Semitism’.

        It sets out in nine examples of Mr Corbyn’s past behaviour which the JLM claimed had acted as ‘signals to party members’ that ‘anti-Semitic views are acceptable’.

        This includes, defending Chris Williamson against allegations of anti-Semitism weeks before he was suspended for those allegations.

        Jack and the other shills on here have of course been repeating this falsehood in every single thread/article skwawkbox has posted since Jeremy was suspended! Whilst the MSM and the JLM and CAA and LAA et al attack and smear Jeremy from the outside, JackT and Co smear him from the inside – ie on left-wing blogs such as skwawkbox and JVL!

        And needless to say, Richard McKinnon is having a laugh!

  3. And now is the time to start a Socialist Opposition party and put Corbyn as the figurehead to draw in a few mps and councillors who are disgusted with the whole stinking swamp within the Labour party and the PLP…

    1. Good luck, you’ll need it. The socialist group in the PLP told the press after their meeting to discuss RLB’s sacking “We want to see Keir Starmer in No10”

      1. You get that politicians don’t necessarily mean every word they say on every single occasion, right? That they can do a triple salchow on a sixpence?
        Like when Starmer said he supported Corbyn?

    2. Says Mr Okeefe knowing that it’s never going to happen AND, that if it did, Jeremy would just be attacked and vilified and demonised from the outset. Yet AGAIN! And there can’t possibly be 13 people (the number of Likes at the time of writing) who are too stupid to realise this, and I have no doubt that just about ALL of them are fake Likes.

  4. I left the Labour Party at the time of early-Blair. I toyed with the idea of rejoining when Corbyn became leader because he was head and shoulders morally, politcally, and in all areas of decency above anything we had had before. In the end, I decided that I would do everything in my power to help using the national media, but I couldn’t join again with all those Blairites still in positions of power. Others may disagree, but I felt, and still feel that that was the right decision.

    Now the party is WORSE than it was in the time of Blair. It’s gone.

    Were a new PROPER Labour Party to come into existence, one that bars Blairites, then I would join immediately, but the current Labour Party sickens me to the core of my being.

    1. The problem with sentiments like yours Joe R is that in the real world Jeremy is mostly reviled and at the least a figure of fun. You carry on in the Momentum/McCluskey kindergarten with crackpot policies that have failed all over the world, hoping that you can rewrite history. Your actions elected Boris the clown and fellow travellers. You should be embarrassed and ashamed. Get back in the students union (assistant to head of the stationery cupboard). Just about your level.

  5. I’d like say that Starmer has finally lost the plot. Sadly he hasn’t. This isn’t anything other than the latest move in his cold calculated plan, now well advanced, to reclaim Labour for the ‘right,’ whilst simultaneously sucking up to the MSM and currying favour with his friends the Chief Rabbi and Netanyahu. But this is certainly remarkable in its sheer petty vindictiveness. It’s a knife plunged into the most decent Labour politician in many years, and not only that, his ex close colleague, and for no good reason at all, unless telling the truth deserves to be sanctioned. Perhaps it does in the shallow shadowy world of Keir Starmer. His leadership aside, what a deeply unpleasant man he’s turned out to be.

      1. Quite. He’s the worst kind of non-conviction policy. Whilst he essentially believes in nothing, he identifies a route to power, what particular postures might get him there, and which individuals/organisations he should please to help him on his way . . . and he can be anything they want him to be.

        I could go on.

        (I know. . . I do!)

  6. But what are you going to do about it comrades?

    First: Not a penny more of Unite money to The Labour Party witchunters!

    Second: Form a real workers party, with Corbyn, UNITE the RMT and all fighting unions, which will be 100% committed to the struggle for the interests of working people.

  7. For those MPs claiming to be of the left this is their “I’m Spartacus ” moment. They must repeat claims of AS were exaggerated for political purposes.

      1. Comment from Miko Peled – The General’s Son, Jewish Israeli writer and defender of Palestinian rights about the treatment of Jeremy Corbyn:-

        “They’ve lost their minds completely. This is what happens when you bow down to bullies. Accepting IHRA and accepting the ridiculous accusations of antisemitism has brought this and I’m sure the Zionists had this planned every detail to accomplish this.

        What a world we live in!”

    1. The aim is to turn the Labour party back to the ‘Thirdway’ centre right party that it was. If you are on the left better stay and fight, we have a majority. Don’t forget to Vote for your NEC candidates.

    2. Jim, that’s my thoughts as well, the SOCIALISTS in PLP are unusually quite on Twitter, I’m hoping it’s because they’re busy deciding if they want to break away and form a Socialist Party the other scenario is unbearable. I am waiting with baited breath to see which way they will go.

    3. So Jeremy has just been suspended from the party for saying that the A/S claims were exaggerated, and ‘Jim’ wants left-wing MPs to repeat it!

      Jim is having a laugh of couse! Here’s a clip from a recent Medialens piece:

      Corbyn’s great anti-semitism ‘scandal’ was a non-story, a fabricated non-event, a Soviet-style propaganda smear. Sufficient numbers of people wanted it to be true because they wanted to be rid of Corbyn. Everyone else bowed their heads to avoid being subject to the same career-destroying smears.

      And THIS also:

      In fact, the media coverage was the crisis! It was this real crisis that was the cause of the ‘crisis’. The antisemitism ‘crisis’ was just one more fabrication by an awesomely corrupt and immoral media system willing to throw, not just the kitchen sink, but – God help us! – Nazi gas chambers at Corbyn.

      Oh, right, but in JackTs fake universe – and a few other shills who regularly post on here pretending they are Jeremy Corbyn supporters – the guys at Medialens must be ‘white flag wavers’!

      1. Allan – I can’t quite remember where but I’m pretty sure I’ve read that before. 🥱

  8. How many of those complaints against the 1% are genuine and not malicious? 50% of complaints were made by one man.

  9. Aaaaaarghhhhhh fuming

    Sincerely hope we see our few socialist mps resign and form a new party

  10. The Tories must be delighted to hear that Labour will stagger into the 2024 election riven by argument and expulsions. No wonder it will be presented as GUILTY by the MSM. What a rag bag of nastiness from Starmer. As somebody who left the party months ago the only upside is Jeremy Corbyn now joins us outside the party. Yes, a new Party is called for, the old one is defunct and corrupt.

    1. According to the knight anyone who believes that AS was a scam does not belong in the Labour party.I totally agree thats why I left in July when my membership ran out along with many others.Very sad but better to go rather than be labeled a AS denier or worse especially with a jewish wife and son who no doubt have been labeled deniers as well..Never mind Russian interference in politics ,what about the Israeli government and the corrupted lobby…..disgusted from Cambodia..!

    2. Paul, Corbyn will be quite relaxed with his expulsion. He is back where he likes to be. A outsider, a martyr.

  11. Margaret Hodge was on BBCR4 ‘s ‘world at one’ minutes after JC was suspended by Sir Keir and seemed not to be surprised in the least. Forewarned?

    Time to admit that democratic socialism might have a better chance OUTSIDE Labour? Or is this just another battle that we lost and not the war?

    In either case, democratic socialism needs a stronger, more visible media presence and a better electoral system than FPTP.

    1. Potty mouth on the radio? Thought she’d still be repenting for all those kids in Islington. Looks like the Stiletto will be back. Why will anyone stay and pay to be a member? I dread to think what this party will be like in a year’s time. Regards

  12. There is clearly a barely concealed war both inside and outside the LP against members and voters who are socialists rather than neo-liberals/neo conservatives.

    I am just ploughing through the EHRC Report – to which I submitted evidence which seems to have been entirely ignored – making notes with questions to collate later.

    Below is what I have so far:

    Executive Summary, Page 5

    “After the Labour Party submitted its final evidence to us, an 850-page report
    titled ‘The work of the Labour Party’s Governance and Legal Unit in relation to
    antisemitism, 2014-2019’ was leaked to the press on 12 April 2020. We were not
    informed that this report was being prepared and it remains unpublished. It was
    not proportionate for us to require the Labour Party to provide the evidence
    underlying the report.”

    “We have considered the leaked report and taken it into account where
    appropriate. However, we have done so while bearing in mind that we have not
    seen all of the evidence on which the conclusions in the leaked report were

    Q: Why Not?
    Q: If all the evidence has not been assessed does that not undermine the Report and its findings/conclusions?

    Executive Summary, page 5:

    “On 28 May 2019, we launched an investigation into the Labour Party,”…..

    …….“We carried out in-depth analysis of a sample of 70 complaint investigation files.
    We selected 58 of these files out of over 220 complaints identified in different
    sources. The remaining 12 were put forward by the Labour Party.”

    Q: The Report was submitted to the LP some 15 months after the commencement of the investigation.

    It took all that time for the EHRC to investigate 220 complaints.

    Yet during the eight months April – December 2019 alone the LP investigated 405 cases not including the 433 spurious complaints made in which it was found were not against members of the LP. –

    see here: ttps://’s-stats-tell-us-about-anti-semitism-labour-party

    and here:

    Q: How does the EHRC expect the Party to properly investigate so many complaints when the EHRC is only able to process just over half the number of complaints in twice the time?

    Findings, page 9:

    “We found:

    – no clear, publicly accessible and comprehensive policy or procedure to
    explain how antisemitism complaints are determined

    – an unclear, inconsistent and inadequate policy and practice for updating
    complainants in antisemitism complaints and notifying them of the outcome
    of their complaint

    – inconsistent application of administrative suspensions

    – a lack of a clear and fair process for respondents

    Q: That the complaints process is dysfunctional is the case for all complaints.

    (i) Is it the the intention of the EHRC to have the LP introduce a system structure and process which prioritises AS complaints over and above the equally serious HR abuses of other complainants?

    (ii) Has it not occurred to the EHRC that the number of complaints, many of them against people who are not members of the LP and therefore spurious causes logistical issues in being able to properly investigate all complaints, many of which are not investigated properly due to the entire focus being on AS complaints?

    Reading back and forth between the main text and the Appendices so far I am left with a sense that:

    A. Some of the key evidence around the number of spurious complaints not involving people who were in the Party is being ignored because that would mean having to consider the possibility of a campaign of deliberate smears on the part of some complainants – one of whom submitted 200 complaints against 111 people, 91 of which were not LP members.

    B. As with so many instances these days the object of the exercise was to assume what was intended to be deduced – to reach pre-determined conclusions.

    If the rest of the report is on a par with what I’ve read so far (about a third) than I have to say I’m underwhelmed. I would not have submitted this at GCSE level.

    What is increasingly clear is that active members who have done the business over long periods are being pissed on and being told that its raining. That, to paraphrase, they have nowhere else to go.

    The only effective practical response to that kind of attitude is the old “Go Canny” Trade Union approach in which members down tools in droves, boycott all party activity, go slow etc as a prelude to removing these carpetbaggers.

    Dave Hansell

  13. There is clearly a barely concealed war both inside and outside the LP against members and voters who are socialists rather than neo-liberals/neo conservatives.

    I am just ploughing through the EHRC Report – to which I submitted evidence which seems to have been entirely ignored – making notes with questions to collate later.

    Below is what I have so far:

    Executive Summary, Page 5

    “After the Labour Party submitted its final evidence to us, an 850-page report
    titled ‘The work of the Labour Party’s Governance and Legal Unit in relation to
    antisemitism, 2014-2019’ was leaked to the press on 12 April 2020. We were not
    informed that this report was being prepared and it remains unpublished. It was
    not proportionate for us to require the Labour Party to provide the evidence
    underlying the report.”

    “We have considered the leaked report and taken it into account where
    appropriate. However, we have done so while bearing in mind that we have not
    seen all of the evidence on which the conclusions in the leaked report were

    Q: Why Not?
    Q: If all the evidence has not been assessed does that not undermine the Report and its findings/conclusions?

    Executive Summary, page 5:

    “On 28 May 2019, we launched an investigation into the Labour Party,”…..

    …….“We carried out in-depth analysis of a sample of 70 complaint investigation files.
    We selected 58 of these files out of over 220 complaints identified in different
    sources. The remaining 12 were put forward by the Labour Party.”

    Q: The Report was submitted to the LP some 15 months after the commencement of the investigation.

    It took all that time for the EHRC to investigate 220 complaints.

    Yet during the eight months April – December 2019 alone the LP investigated 405 cases not including the 433 spurious complaints made in which it was found were not against members of the LP. –

    see here: ttps://’s-stats-tell-us-about-anti-semitism-labour-party

    and here:

    Q: How does the EHRC expect the Party to properly investigate so many complaints when the EHRC is only able to process just over half the number of complaints in twice the time?

    Findings, page 9:

    “We found:

    – no clear, publicly accessible and comprehensive policy or procedure to
    explain how antisemitism complaints are determined

    – an unclear, inconsistent and inadequate policy and practice for updating
    complainants in antisemitism complaints and notifying them of the outcome
    of their complaint

    – inconsistent application of administrative suspensions

    – a lack of a clear and fair process for respondents

    Q: That the complaints process is dysfunctional is the case for all complaints.

    (i) Is it the the intention of the EHRC to have the LP introduce a system structure and process which prioritises AS complaints over and above the equally serious HR abuses of other complainants?

    (ii) Has it not occurred to the EHRC that the number of complaints, many of them against people who are not members of the LP and therefore spurious causes logistical issues in being able to properly investigate all complaints, many of which are not investigated properly due to the entire focus being on AS complaints?

    Reading back and forth between the main text and the Appendices so far I am left with a sense that:

    A. Some of the key evidence around the number of spurious complaints not involving people who were in the Party is being ignored because that would mean having to consider the possibility of a campaign of deliberate smears on the part of some complainants – one of whom submitted 200 complaints against 111 people, 91 of which were not LP members.

    B. As with so many instances these days the object of the exercise was to assume what was intended to be deduced – to reach pre-determined conclusions.

    If the rest of the report is on a par with what I’ve read so far (about a third) than I have to say I’m underwhelmed. I would not have submitted this at GCSE level.

    What is increasingly clear is that active members who have done the business over long periods are being pissed on and being told that its raining. That, to paraphrase, they have nowhere else to go.

    The only effective practical response to that kind of attitude is the old “Go Canny” Trade Union approach in which members down tools in droves, boycott all party activity, go slow etc as a prelude to removing these carpetbaggers.

  14. Whoever thought Starmer wouldn’t stoop this low has unfortunately been mistaken sadly this was the plan all the long. Starmer knew Corbyn would not retract his statement which gave him the excuse to do so. I also really don’t see them allowing Corbyn back in

    1. I think suspending Jeremy will backfire on Starmer. Jeremy is still overwhelmingly popular with members like me who don’t like what has happened to him and will take this as Starmer thumbing his nose at us

  15. SteveH
    Your man has just managed to circumcise the Labour Party with a chainsaw
    Its over to the unions and members now

  16. and the hon member for southwark shared with the membership

    Corbyn and people like Len McCluskey, did huge damage to our collective and proud history of always tackling racism and discrimination.

    Included some of those who claimed there was no problem in discussions of how to tackle the problem, like Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL) which was set up to ‘defend Corbyn from the smear’ – itself an antisemitic trope. JVL has acted as an apologist for antisemites and should have no place in the Labour Party. I believe JVL should be proscribed.

      1. I might have gotten this wrong, John, but on second reading could it be that @Charming64 is quoting ‘The honourable’ neil coyle – but with a lack of speech marks to emphasise just who’s views they are?

        The opening line is:

        ”and the hon member for southwark shared with the membership” (No capital ‘A’ to begin with, no colon to introduce the (possible) quotation, or indeed any quotation marks…)

        That said, in charming’s earlier post there’s a degree of ambiguity p hard to tell whether sarcasm is within the post or if it’s charming’s conviction

        FAO Charming 64, please come back to clarify as your punctuation and grammar has left me nonplussed…

    1. I usually advise folk to avoid Crack Cocaine. And you Sir are a classic example of not only an idiot, but one on Crack Cocaine. Now, go post your rightwing bollocks elsewhere plaese.

    2. Away with your idiocy. I see you support our Jewish Comrades…. but not the wrong sort… the Socialists and JVL members. Away with your pontificating we see you.

    3. I take it this is the male mp who represents Southwark. Only today I was commenting on O’Briens disgraceful attitude towards a caller who phoned into his programme. The way he said she was a member of the JVL as if it was a proscribed far right group.
      Now the dishonourable member for Southwark is actually calling for them to be proscribed.
      Yikes what’s next a demand for Jewdass and other left wing Jewish groups to be proscribed too

  17. boycott all party activity?

    Everyone that shows at our CLP is great. We voted for Long-Bailey but got Starmer. We will stay and fight, clearly the intention of this is to provoke resignations and boycotts which can only make the very weak right stronger.

  18. It was only a matter of time before they had Corbyn on a trumped up charge (Party HQ won’t say on what grounds!) I am very happy for the money I donated to Corbyn’s legal defence fund to be used to contest this.

    Can’t help wondering whether there are fewer than 40 racists in the Con party?…

  19. …arguing to fight the likes of Starmer (S) and the yellow libs who have taken over from within is worthless, as this farrago shows. These people are well backed economically, politically and internationally. This is the time to look forward and not back. The economic situation is one of crisis as a result of the worsening pandemic but does offer an opportunity for big economic, social and political changes locally by region, withing the nations of UK, and internationally and added to that constitutionally (we have a demonstrably failed ‘constituional-process’)
    Organise…of course. A proper socialist party encompassing new approaches to military, green, industrial(real production not financial paper shovelling) and decentralisation issues

  20. I’m as mad as hell right now, I hope the money we donated to his legal fund will be used to contest it. I will state here and now that my family and I will not vote Labour instead of Vote Labour in all my windows it will be DON’T VOTE LABOUR! They’re the same as the Tories.. I will not lift a finger to assist a Blue Labour Party in fact I would actively campaign for people not to vote for them.
    I’ve had enough! of the Labour Party full stop.

  21. Update:

    Here’s an interesting bit of the Report:

    Chapter 6, page 67;

    “However, the Labour Party informed us that it does not keep detailed notes of
    NEC antisemitism panel meetings and the reasons for the panels’ decisions. This
    is particularly problematic now that the NEC has the power to expel members.
    We also note that an appeal to the NCC is on procedural grounds only, and
    question how someone can use this right properly without knowing the
    underlying reasoning from the NEC.”

    Q: Has the EHRC considered whether this, and other related findings (poor record keeping; missing files etc), is not limited only to AS complaints cases and that the same shoddy practices are endemic within the GRU as a result of political interference not from LOTO but from GRU staff?

  22. The suspension/expulsion of JC was always gonna happen with the publication of this report, whatever it said. It happens that it occurred a few hours earlier than otherwise would have done.

    The way is now clear for a Nacht der langen Messer of socialists within the re-energised neo-liberal LP!

  23. Chapter 6 Page 72

    “We note that the leaked report alleges that ‘at no point’ from November 2016 to
    February 2018 ‘did the designated complaints process function’, and that ‘[m]ost
    antisemitism complaints submitted in this period, including cases of extreme
    antisemitism such as Holocaust denial and expressions of direct hatred towards
    Jewish people, were not acted upon at the time’. 21

    Q: Has it not occurred to the EHRC that this situation in the GRU may have had something to do with what Chapter 5 refers to as “political interference” by LOTO – what in most other circumstances would be standard practice in trying to ensure that an underperforming Unit was returned to a fit for purpose position – due to the presented evidence of political interference from GRU staff as detailed in the LP Report?

  24. It’s ironic that the man most responsible for Labour’s poor election result in 2019 was Starmer who suddenly turned against the Referendum result. It was rightly seen by many working class Labour voters as a vote for Remain. To criticise him for staying on Corbyn’s Front bench is to misunderstand his role in ensuring a Left wing Labour victory wouldn’t happen. He’s now done the same for 2024 by pissing of half the party’s voters. So it’s now another 10 years of Tory rule; I suppose that’s why you get knighthoods?

  25. The famously lousy 2 party system in the UK is now a much worse 1 and a half party system.

  26. This is what you get for appeasing the pro Israel anti Corbyn lobby groups such ad CAA BOD JLM. There sole intention was to get rid of Corbyn and purge labour of any pro Palestine sympathisers. I am disgusted with Starmer and his sycophantic weak adherence to the Israel lobby. And they wont stop at this. Well I hope this back fires on him and shoes him for the right wing, power grabbing snake he is!

  27. Hmmm:

    Chapter 8, page 85:

    “The evidence we received showed that, from at least June 2017 to mid-2018, the
    Labour Party operated a policy of not investigating complaints about Party
    members’ social media activity if they liked or shared content without
    commenting on it. The report leaked to the press on 12 April 2020 suggests that
    this policy dated back to August 2015. 24”

    Q: Given that:

    A. all rules and regulations by organisations and institutions within the UK are, at least, ahem, for the present, based on the legal principles of requiring objective based evidence rather than subjective based opinion and the right to a defence;


    B. the available evidence of a large proportion of complaints previously submitted to the Labour Party being about people who were not members of the Labour Party or, subsequently, did not meet the necessary criteria of AS – ie the volume of complaints which by normal acceptable standards would be properly classified as spurious (not LP members/insufficient evidence based on present legal standards)

    How does the EHRC propose that the LP achieve the logistics of such a requirement in practice? You know, in real life, in the real world?

    Such a requirement may well solve current and all future unemployment problems into the distant future given the potential for the sheer volume of complaints likely to be generated and requiring proper investigation. However, the staff costs involved would likely bankrupt the Country never mind the Labour Party.

    A laudable aim but subject to abuse and, therefore, likely to generate practical and logistical issues given the available evidence (at least to a blind man on a galloping horse) of previous high volumes of complaints which did not meet present evidential standards but which required limited time and resources to investigate.

    Somewhat lacking in gorm. It would seem an urgent appeal to the Red Cross for emergency supplies of gorm may be appropriate?

  28. I left the Labour Party when Keir Starmar became Labour leader.
    I’ve never known a man to be so ignorant as he is.. I received a telephone call from him begging me to back him. I told him that since Jeremy Corbyn has lost I shall be backing Rebecca Long Bailey so he puts the phone down on me. How ignorant is that.
    Since Keir Starmar has become leader and sacked Rebecca I have cancelled my membership.
    I don’t like Keir Starmar one bit.
    For me the best Leader was taken away from us that person being Jeremy Corbyn.
    I will help fight Jeremy’s corner he was and still is the best Leader in the Labour Party.

  29. I read now, that the all-new, squeaky clean, professional Labour Party machine didn’t even bother to tell Corbyn he was suspended. He found out from a press cameraman. Sounds about as unprofessional an organisation as you can get!

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