Starmer whips MPs to ABSTAIN on Tory bill to legalise crimes, including murder, by intelligence operatives

Today the Tories will try to progress the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill through Parliament. It is a bill that analysts say will allow anyone designated as an intelligence source to commit any crime without fear of consequences – including murder:

Not only that, the bill will allow infiltration of unions and protest groups with impunity.

A government that has overseen extensive crimes by its operatives, in Northern Ireland, England and elsewhere wants to give itself the power to do so without fear of law or justice.

Coming as it does just after a bill to give similar immunity for war crimes committed overseas, it is clearly part of a plan to turn the UK even more into a police state.

And just like with that bill, Keith Starmer is again whipping Labour MPs to abstain.

Some have publicly stated they will ignore him:

But Starmer sacked front-benchers who did so last week and there are few now among the drones on his front bench with the spine to do likewise.

He is unfit to be Labour leader.

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