Almost 600 confirmed English school CLUSTERS and 934 new cases just in N Ireland – equivalent to 36,000 a day across UK

The number of schools hit by confirmed in-school ‘clusters‘ of coronavirus infections has risen to 595 – just in England – more than double last week’s 225.

The real number is far higher, as schools as only counting infections in the same class as a cluster and are excluding infections in multiple classes in a year group – so five infections in a class is a cluster, but ten in ten classes would not be counted:

At the same time, the number of new positive tests in Northern Ireland in the last 24 hours was 934 – almost four times yesterday’s official number of 259.

A similar level of incidence across the UK would equate to around 36,000 daily new infections.

Governments, especially in England, have all too predictably lost control of the second wave and the new measures applied patchily to local areas are unlikely to make a dent in the rate of increase.

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