Starmer SACKS 3 Labour MPs from front bench – because they wanted to vote AGAINST legalising war crimes

Labour then briefs hard-right rag Fawkes about sacking before MPs were informed

The SKWAWKBOX earlier published news that 3 MPs had resigned because Labour leader Keir Starmer would not allow them to vote against a Tory bill to legalise torture and other war crimes against international law – as long as they’re committed overseas against foreigners. That article noted that it was unclear whether they had been sacked.

It is no longer unclear – and Starmer’s team told far-right rag Guido Fawkes about the sacking before Whittome (and presumably the others) knew they were out of their roles as Parliamentary Private Secretaries.

Starmer whipped Labour MPs to abstain on the bill, in a move reminiscent of Harriet Harman’s cowardly abstention order on the 2015 Tory welfare bill – an act that helped sweep Jeremy Corbyn to the party’s leadership. Only 19 Labour MPs defied Starmer’s spineless instruction.

This is another abject, shameful and utterly craven episode in the history of so-called ‘centrism’ – and to brief it to Labour-hating media before even informing the MPs only makes the scandal even bigger.

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