Johnson accused by campsite owner of making up camping trip – after tent, site and camp fire all ‘faked’, with photographic evidence to back up claim

Sloping tent, fake fire that would have burned guy ropes and grass too green all point to ‘stunt’ says expert

Boris Johnson has been publicly accused of faking his Scottish camping trip for a ‘stunt’ – and his accusers include a lifelong camper and campsite owner.

Observant commenters spotted issues with:

The images seen in detail seem to support the contention, including a clearly wrong-looking campfire that seems to contain at least some photoshopped elements, as well as suspiciously unscorched grass:

The position of the campfire also seems to be so close to the tent that the ropes holding up the tent would have been at risk from the fire – a position nobody would choose to build it, or at least light it:

The right alignment of the guy-ropes, said no-one, ever.

While the grass where the tent was sited shows no sign of compression, let alone bleaching:

One respondent captured the significance of the stunt, which many feel was an attempt to give Johnson cover to lay low while other events were playing out, if indeed the scene was as artificial as it appeared:

At least no fridges were photographed at the scene.

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