York Labour sees eight executive resignations – and set for membership fall

CLP loses 8 elected officers at once

‘City of York’ constituency Labour party (CLP) – which still meets as one, despite the constituency’s division into two seats in 2010 – has seen eight of its elected executive officials resign since Keir Starmer became the party’s leader – including its BAME (black, Asian and ethnic minority), disability and LGBT officers.

The agenda circulated for the CLP’s next executive committee meeting confirmed the losses:

No reasons were given for the resignations, but Starmer has been widely criticised for his response to the Black Lives Matter movement and his weak stance on Tory decisions that have further blighted the lives of vulnerable people.

The CLP is also heading toward a significant net membership loss, with resignations, lapsed members and members about to lapse heavily outnumbering new joiners.

Is City of York typical? Analysis of membership numbers at CLPs around the country suggest the membership loss is widespread, but is your CLP also losing officers?

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