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UK govt covers up England’s infection figure but publishes devolved nations’ – and hasn’t updated England chart for FOUR days

What are Johnson and co hiding?

While the Tories and their media allies have attempted to distract the UK with anti-immigrant racism, Johnson, Hancock and co have quietly been masking or even withholding data on the number of coronavirus cases in England – while publishing figures for the devolved nations.

The all-UK page was updated on Thursday with 24-hour figures for virus cases for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – but with no data for English cases:

But setting the page to show only English cases reveals that the England chart has not been updated for four days, since last Sunday, even though the page claims to have been updated today:

England’s figures before Thursday can be mined from the all-UK chart, but is far less conspicuous and is harder to compare across dates. Thursday’s figure for new cases in England, however, is not shown in any of the charts.

But mining that data reveals that, while the UK rate has been rising relentlessly for weeks and reached a 44-day high this week, this rise has been driven almost entirely by England’s worsening figures as Johnson, Hancock and Sunak delay safety measures and continue to push English residents into closer and more frequent contact in spite of the upturn in infections and the warnings of unions and even the government’s own scientists:

This week’s 44-day high already saw the Tories exposed as infecting English people at double the rate of the other nationsat the worst rate in the world, with tens of thousands of needless deaths. So the absence of England’s figures in today’s update raises the question: what are the Tories hiding and how bad must it be for them to do so even while they and their friends in the media are pointing distracting fingers at a handful of poor migrants?

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  1. Really nothing more to be said, the hard facts i.e DEAD PEOPLE provide the hardest evidence of Johnsons Tory party murderous policies. Really is a genocidal political party literally killing it’s own population some of whom ironically actually voted for them , voted for their own death.
    I only hope that the younger generation takes note and learns….their options are few as there is at present no real opposition party that is willing to counter this Govt esp under that arse licking sycophant Sir Spanners Stammered.
    Perhaps they might have the drive to start a new Socialist Party

  2. Given we can’t trust the figures anyway, I fail to see what difference this makes. Never mind ‘underestimating’ deaths, you can die of chronic comorbities in a care home and be recorded as dying from Covid-19 if you tested positive for the virus 3 months ago. Also the tests themselves record false positives and report a cold as Covid-19.
    Re care homes: The average length of stay until death is 33 months.

    1. The average length of stay until death is 33 months?

      Them bastards are trying to make it 33 hours. Didn’t get their dementia tax passed, see? And they’ve gotta increase their ‘portfolios’ of rentable properties somehow.

    1. No, they floundered around and made mistakes just like Labour would have done when facing an unknown threat. A lot of blame should be placed at the door of the “experts” they were listening to. Like the epidemologist who predicted 150,000 deaths here and 2 million in America. Of course they need to factor in the economy. Look at the deaths from austerity and then try and imagine something 4 times worse.

      1. Here is the track record of the “ expert” the WHO called a “ pandemic “ on. He initially said the fatalities would be 3.4% after a lot of controversy concerning his methodology he revised it down to 1%. The fatalities is about 0.07% in the U.K. which makes a difference even of the good Profs revised of 0.93%.

        Imperial College epidemiologist Neil] Ferguson was behind the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. He also predicted that up to 150,000 people could die. There were fewer than 200 deaths. . . .

        In 2002, Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef. In the U.K., there were only 177 deaths from BSE.

        In 2005, Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million people could be killed from bird flu. In the end, only 282 people died worldwide from the disease between 2003 and 2009.

        In 2009, a government estimate, based on Ferguson’s advice, said a “reasonable worst-case scenario” was that the swine flu would lead to 65,000 British deaths. In the end, swine flu killed 457 people in the U.K.

        Last March, Ferguson admitted that his Imperial College model of the COVID-19 disease was based on undocumented, 13-year-old computer code that was intended to be used for a feared influenza pandemic, rather than a coronavirus. Ferguson declined to release his original code so other scientists could check his results. He only released a heavily revised set of code last week, after a six-week delay.

        So the real scandal is: Why did anyone ever listen to this guy?

      2. Utter bollocks. They were told what was coming last year but did nothing about it because they were pursuing a Herd Immunity policy. Vietnam, beside other nations, locked down immediately and made mask wearing mandatory, they have had ZERO deaths. It wasn’t rocket science, it wasn’t a mistake, it was deliberate. As was the policy to let millions of air passengers through the airports without being checked, and they’re still doing this.

  3. ‘Clear the decks!” Get the NHS ready for the pandemic”. “Get the elderly & vulnerable bed-blockers out of our hospitals & into care homes, untested”. We must protect our NHS from……….any old, vulnerable, sick people” Are the ‘Nightingales’ ready yet?.

  4. They have updated the figures now as yesterday it was 1,009 in the UK and the 12th was 1,148 cases in UK , however they have not updated the number of deaths due to the way they count deaths being reviewed

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