McCluskey calls on United Left to ignore ‘cowardly’ smear campaign against left candidates for Unite’s next general secretary

Anonymous Twitter ‘cowards’ have been seeding unfounded smears to taint contest for left group’s nomination

Unite general secretary Len McCluskey has issued a stern call to United Left (UL) members to treat smears ‘with contempt’ as the contest for the left group’s nomination to succeed him heats up.

Unite assistant general secretaries Howard Beckett and Steve Turner are both standing for UL’s nomination, with the hustings and vote taking place this Saturday, but a number of unfounded smears have been circulated anonymously among its members and anonymous Twitter accounts have been set up to promote the lies.

McCluskey pulled no punches in his message to UL members, calling those behind the smears ‘cowards’ and telling members to treat them and their claims ‘with contempt’:

McCluskey’s letter also endorses both men as close friends who have played a central part in Unite’s efforts on behalf of working-class people. Both candidates have pledged a clean contest and those who are circulating the malicious and demonstrably false claims do a disservice to the movement.

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