Video: former BMA deputy chair says ‘Drowning St’ is unprepared for 2nd wave and govt’s ‘amputated’ BAME C19 review ignores ‘systemic’ racism

Leading medic Dr Kailash Chand OBE slams government’s attempts to hide and delay recommendations to protect BAME people from higher risk of coronavirus

Former deputy BMA Chair Dr Kailash Chand OBE appeared on BBC Breakfast this morning to discuss the government’s report on the higher risk of the coronavirus to black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) people and delivered a withering verdict on the Tories’ delays and evasion.

Describing the report as ‘amputated’ and Boris Johnson’s prime ministerial residence as ‘Drowning Street’ because of its shambolic series of controversies, Dr Chand called for concrete and immediate action to protect everyone, including BAME communities – whose trust Johnson has lost – and warned that the government is unprepared for the second wave its actions and inaction are likely to cause:

Chand says that the government needs to ‘get its act together’. There has been no sign so far that it is capable of doing so in any sense that would mean anything to those its conduct is harming, as Johnson continues to pursue his reckless ‘herd immunity‘ policy.

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