It’s time for the left to step up, not move out

Left members will need stand firm and organise to save the party from itself for the sake of the country

Labour members have already begun publishing their resignation letters on social media this morning, or otherwise announcing their intention to quit the party.

It is essential that the left stays in and fights. A remain-dominated Labour, with many of its front bench determined to pull back from real change, is going to make its attempt to win back leave seats that rejected it in December – and the nonsense that those voters rejected Labour’s policies and not its idiotic referendum pivot will be exposed.

Those who leave now are likely to find the doors walled up after them.

Stay in. Fight the government on its coronavirus shambles and be ready for when that crisis ends.

Organise better – simply being in the right morally and politically is not enough and never has been.

Remove and isolate those who divided the left for their own agenda and allowed the right its opportunity to do all the things it spent four years falsely complaining the left was doing to it.

Defend good MPs and councillors. Those who leave will have no say and no vote.

It will not be long before your voice and vote are needed again and the time to start preparing is now. The country needs you.

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