Interested in serving on Labour’s NEC? Register your interest here and be part of a democratic revolution

Call for expressions of interest. Names of those applying will be included in a preliminary poll of Labour members to create ‘slate’ that truly represents member majority

Despite the best efforts of everyone involved, the recent problems and failure to agree a left ‘slate’ of candidates for the current by-elections for two member representatives on Labour’s ruling National Executive Committee (NEC) have brought into sharp focus the shortcomings of the left’s ‘legacy’ system for identifying the best candidates for the party’s majority left to unite behind.

But in the summer, all nine member representative positions on the NEC are up for re-election, to take their seats immediately after September’s annual conference in Liverpool and play a vital role in Labour’s future direction.

So it’s time to do something different, time to revolutionise the process and open it up for all members on the left of the party who want to participate to have a genuine chance to do so, to ensure that the NEC reflects Labour’s grassroots.

The SKWAWKBOX is inviting those who want to serve the movement as members of the NEC to register their interest by emailing The window for expressions of interest closes Friday 14 Feb at 7pm.

Once registrations have closed, those who have registered will receive instructions on information required to participate in the shortlisting ballot and then a schedule for that ballot will be published.

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