The best, most tragic social media thread of the election. Aka how pundits disagreed with themselves to attack Corbyn

Brilliant thread exposes media onslaught – and self-contradiction

A thread by writer Colin Millar during the election campaign perfectly encapsulated the extent of the media onslaught against Labour and its leader – and the willingness of media commentators to disagree with themselves in order to attack him:

Colin Millar’s book on a little-known Spanish football rivalry can be found here.


Throughout Corbyn’s tenure as Labour leader, his critics fearlessly argued against their own conclusions – as long as it allowed them to keep criticising.

The same will happen to the next Labour leader, whoever that is – and perhaps even worse if they threaten to challenge the Establishment as he did.

Labour supporters need urgently to work out ways to combat it and to build communication channels both on the ground and online to have any chance of bringing the real change so desperately needed by the poor and vulnerable of this country.

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