Must-watch: 3 ex-miners on GE19 – Johnson’s a liar who hates working class. Vote Labour – Corbyn’s always been on our side

Three veterans of the miners’ strike speak out

Former miners, L-R: John Walton, Bruce Wilson, Inky Thomson

A video featuring an ex-miner laying some hard truth Boris Johnson has been one of the viral hits of Labour’s general election campaign. Inky Thomson pulled no punches – and why should he? The miners know more than anyone about the Tories and what Tory government means to working class people and their communities.

Now two more miners have added their voices to the call for working-class communities to remember who the Tories are and what the Tories do – and to remember that Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has always stood shoulder to shoulder with working-class people, no matter the challenge.

Their conclusion is emphatic:

The three men’s authentic voices need to be heard everywhere between now and the close of polling stations tomorrow night:

John Walton

Bruce Wilson

Inky Thomson

Get their words out as widely and as quickly as you can.

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