Video: Boris Johnson offending teetotal Sikhs by babbling about alcohol in temple

Footage shows yet more of Johnson’s racist and offensive past

2017 video footage of Boris Johnson shows the Tory leader addressing Sikhs in a Gurdwara and telling them how he has to take alcohol in his suitcase whe he visits India.

Sikhs do not drink alcohol.

The reaction of one of the poor people forced to share the stage with Johnson is hard to mistake:

It’s hard to tell which is more offensive: Johnson talking about booze in a temple of a teetotal religion, or his condescending use of the pidgin ‘clinky’, based on the sound of bottles or glasses knocking together.

This is just one of multiple examples of Boris Johnson’s racism or at best staggering offensiveness – yet it has been barely-audible background noise in the coverage of his campaign by the so-called ‘mainstream’ media.

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