Video: BBC audience speaks for millions when he says he’s ‘sick and tired’ of Brexit

Seems rest of audience agrees, too

An audience member during last night’s BBC Question Time voiced the feelings of millions when said he was ‘sick and tired’ of Brexit, which the Tories have failed to deliver for three and a half years:

The applause from the rest of the audience suggests they almost all agreed with him.


Boris Johnson wants the coming general election to be a Brexit election, as do the centrists who hope it will be the wedge issue that will serve their interests – but most people are sick to death of it and just want it done one way or another.

Those who want a Labour government need to campaign about everything but – there is no shortage of subject matter after a succession of malignant Tory governments.

It’s not just good election strategy. We owe it to those Brexit-sick millions whose real concerns are the everyday reality of the cuts, austerity, conscious cruelty, poverty, homelessness, misery and privatisation of the NHS and other services that they’ve suffered for almost a decade.

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