Both parts of S’box Berger exclusive attacked as fake news now in ‘mainstream’ media

SKWAWKBOX’s June exclusive that Luciana Berger was in talks about joining LibDems and standing in London seat attacked as fake news – three months later, range of media discussing same

The SKWAWKBOX exclusively reported in June that former Labour, former CUK MP Luciana Berger was said to be in discussions with the LibDems about joining the party – and standing for them in the North London seat of Finchley.

Ms Berger’s office did not respond to enquiries, but a spokesperson subsequently told the Liverpool Echo that she had ‘no intention’ of joining the LibDems. Ms Berger’s supporters attacked the exclusive as fake news. The Jewish Chronicle’s Lee Harpin was angrily emphatic:

So the news this week that she joined the LibDems can be considered an inconvenience, to say the least.

However, the same Mr Harpin has now written in the same publication not only that Ms Berger has joined the LibDems – but also that Ms Berger may stand in a ‘North London’ seat.

Harpin has seen yesterday’s SKWAWKBOX article about its supposed ‘fake news’ coming true – he tweeted about it last night – but so far does not appear to have issued an apology or withdrawal regarding his ill-judged ‘dog ****’ comment. There won’t be any breath-holding here.

The Times, Independent and others are being even more specific:

Both of the predictions in the SKWAWKBOX exclusive have been borne out by events and are now being reported as news by the corporate media, after being derided as fake news.

Regular readers of this site might detect a pattern.

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