Former MP Clark placed higher than Momentum’s Parker as Labour’s London Euro slots announced

Momentum founder reported last week to be pressing for prime slot on Labour’s list of Euro election candidates for employee Laura Parker. She has been listed in 4th position
Former Labour MP Katy Clark received the best available list position

Last week, the SKWAWKBOX reported that Momentum founder Jon Lansman was pushing for a prime position for Momentum’s national coordinator Laura Parker in Labour’s list of candidates for May’s European Parliament elections.

The election is run on a proportional representation basis, so candidates higher up each party’s list have the best chance of a Brussels seat and the NEC had decided that any incumbent MEPs who wish to restand will automatically take the top positions.

Labour’s list for London has now been announced. The NEC has announced its London list as:

  1. Claude Moraes (incumbent)
  2. Seb Dance (incumbent)
  3. Katy Clark
  4. Laura Parker

Labour won four places in the last election, but a strong protest vote by Brexit supporters could deprive Parker of a seat. Katy Clark, third on the list, is the former Labour MP entrusted by Corbyn and the NEC with Labour’s recent ‘democracy review’.

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