Video: Tories start to admit new general election is coming – and Labour govt likely

Realisation starts to dawn on Tory MPs that only a general election can break Brexit deadlock and take UK forward

After another disastrous and chaotic night for Theresa May – including yet another weakness-driven destruction of convention when she allowed ministers to vote against the government or abstain and not resign – even Tory MPs are starting to realise that a new general election has to take place.

One such MP is George Freeman, who told the BBC that Theresa May was ‘running out of road, …room to manoeuvre, goodwill, trust and all the skills you need to be able to negotiate‘:

Freeman also seemed to admit he sensed an inevitability about the result:

We lost 3 MPs last week, we lost 30 MPs in the 2017 general election… this is only going in one direction.

SKWAWKBOX comment:

Freeman is the founder of the ill-fated ‘Tory Glastonbury‘, an attempt to engage young people to combat the appeal of Labour’s leadership and policies. If he’s in a position to admit that there’s only one direction of travel, toward a new general election and probably a Labour government, that awareness is going to be widespread among his fellow MPs however reluctant they might be to admit it.

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