
Audio/comment: Downing St in chaos and swamped by O2 claim calls (!) as PM team flees


The chaos infecting Theresa May’s non-government seems to have spread to Downing Street’s systems.

The SKWAWKBOX’s attempts to call the Downing Street duty political press officer this evening met with a bizarre pre-recorded message about compensation claims for telecom giant O2’s recent data issues – with the call automatically terminating on multiple occasions before a human being could eventually be reached;

Once the switchboard answered and the call was transferred to the duty press officer, only a civil service press officer was available because all political advisers have left with May to fly first to the Netherlands, then Berlin, then Brussels for her desperate attempt to salvage something from the wreckage of her dismal withdrawal agreement.

A switchboard operator declined to confirm that the switchboard had been swamped by misplaced calls to O2, but clearly the problem was of significant scale for the pre-recorded message about it to be the first thing played to callers expecting to get the PM’s office before simply cutting them off.

When Jeremy Corbyn told the Commons today that the government is in disarray, it seems he was even more accurate than he knew.

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  1. Perhaps you’d get more sense from a pre-recorded mssg than May’s GOvt , aka ” there’s nobody in right now , don’t bother to leave a message after the beep nobody here in Toryland gives a flying XXXX ”

    Christ on a bike , if EVER there was an example of how not to run a country , this Tory Govt is IT !

  2. They cannot as the saying goes, organise a piss-up in the brewery…. Totally useless. Let’s send them their P45s.

  3. I would suspect this O2 lark was May’s idea of a joke … knowing full well that a few people might just be wanting answers after Monday’s latest ‘delay’ in the Brexit farce.

    Seems to me this is a classic case of ‘Delay, deny, and defend’ whilst simultaneously the Mays, Camerons, Rees Moggs and the rest of the stockbroker classes are making a fortune placing their bets on the interim outcomes of the chaos they are deliberately creating … such as the pound plummeting yesterday. That’s what hedge funds are for.

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