CLPD-backed NCC candidate drops out but comments don’t add up

labour ncc

CLPD-backed NCC candidate Kaneez Akhtar has stepped down from the election, citing a wish for unity.

However, some of the commentary around her decision does not add up. LabourList surmised:

The statement implicitly agrees with the criticism levelled at the CLPD slate by Jon Lansman and other members of Labour’s national executive committee (NEC) yesterday.

After CLPD surprised Momentum by announcing its own set of endorsements, which has led to two Corbynite slates for the NCC, the Momentum chief pointed out that the rival left-wing group’s choices were not regionally diverse. “Half of CLPD’s slate live in London or the South East. So do 3 out of 4 of the existing CLP reps,” Lansman tweeted.

Akhtar is based in Bradford. So we’re apparently to believe that a northern candidate dropped out because there weren’t enough northern candidates on the CLPD slate.

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