The obvious omission from #LushPolice #SpyCops story that no-one is mentioning


The Lush retail chain has taken down its ‘Paid to Lie’ ad, claiming it has been intimidated into doing so by ex-police officers – even though whistleblower ex-‘spycop’ Peter Francis has stated that it is completely accurate:

The supposed ‘public outrage’ about the ad seems to have been largely Establishment outrage and police officers have admitted deceiving women with whom they had relationships while under cover.

But there’s a glaring omission in mainstream media discussion of the case.

In every ‘paid to lie’ case that has come to light, the undercover police had infiltrated left-wing groups.

The Guardian has stated that over a thousand political groups were spied on and says that the operation, which started by infiltrating left-wing, anti-war groups, was later ‘expanded’ to include the far right – but so far only details of left-wing infiltrations have emerged.

Perhaps the police infiltrating right-wing groups were simply more disciplined in their undercover abstinence…

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