Imagine #Gassama killed people instead – would his religion remain unmentioned?

Malian Mamoudou Gassama has been widely and rightly praised for his heroic intervention to save a child dangling from a fourth-floor balcony. But the mainstream media coverage has had troubling aspects, such as the unchallenged promotion of the idea that immigrants have to ‘earn’ the right to be treated with humanity.

But another such feature stands out even more.

Mamoudou Gassama is a Muslim, like around ninety percent of Malians – but most who have read about or watched video of his exploits would be unaware of this fact from the ‘MSM’ coverage.

But imagine he had committed an atrocity instead of being a hero. Can you imagine for a microsecond that there would have been no mention of his religion? It would form the core of every bulletin or piece of analysis, as Twitter user Maher Arar observed:


It seems the idea of Muslims as heroes is one that doesn’t occur to MSM editors. Couldn’t possibly be Western bias or ulterior motives, of course.

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