May visits Trafford primary school. Kids told: ‘Do NOT mention politics – or Corbyn’

A previous Theresa May school visit

Prime Minister Theresa May visited a school in Trafford on Monday, as part of her ‘campaigning’ for Thursday’s local elections.

Last week, the SKWAWKBOX showed that Mrs May was taken to Dudley by helicopter and convoy to avoid meeting anyone but Tory faithful gathered in the local Conservative club.

In Trafford yesterday, May met primary-school children – but only after the strictest conditions were imposed on the bemused kids, who were a maximum of ten or eleven years old.

A source close to the events told the SKWAWKBOX:

Children were selected by staff to meet with her and those selected were told not to mention recent political events or Jeremy Corbyn.

The visit was not announced in advance, and parents were simply told that there would be some filming at the school, as is required under privacy law. A small number of star pupils were selected to meet the PM and all children were told to be smart, behave, etc, but also given strict instructions not to mention anything political during her visit.

This was apparently the request even with regard to the conversations children not meeting the PM had amongst themselves.

The school has pupils down to nursery age. The kids told parents that they were told just to keep schtum about politics during the visit – even the children not meeting May were not allowed to chat about politics among themselves.

It seems Theresa May is now afraid of schoolchildren.

Trafford is currently a Tory-run local authority. Theresa May’s meeting with schoolchildren in Bootle last year became infamous for the PM’s and the children’s mutual distaste, as pictured above.

10 Downing Street has been contacted for comment.

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