Major UK political party/leader backed by Russians. It’s not Labour or Corbyn

The mainstream media and Establishment politicians have been working overtime this week to attempt to portray Jeremy Corbyn’s measured, statesmanlike stance on Britain’s response to the Salisbury attack and the likelihood of Russian state involvement as disloyal – with right-wing rags descending into outright libel and even the BBC using altered imagery to try to link Corbyn and Russian in the UK psyche.

Corbyn, accurately, has pointed to enormous donations from Russian businesspeople and people connected to former Russian government ministers.

But there is direct, irrefutable evidence of Russian state backing for a UK political party and its leader – and it’s not Corbyn or the Labour Party.

In the final stages of last year’s General Election, the Russian embassy took the unusual step of putting out a message of overt support for one party and, by using a catchphrase explicitly – and ultimately hilariously – associated with her, for its leader.

The Tory party and its ‘weak and wobbly’ leader, Theresa May:

The deep and unhealthy links between Russia and the Conservative party are a matter of record – with Boris Johnson’s admission on the BBC’s Marr programme that he did play tennis with the wife of a former Russian finance minister, for a donation of £160,000, merely the icing on the cake:

The Conservatives are serious about cultivating profitable links with Russia – serious enough even to have a society set up especially for the purpose:

No Labour equivalent exists.


The Conservatives have not learned any lessons, nor distanced themselves from such donors – the same woman, Lubov Chernukhin, recently won an auction to dine with Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson for £30,000.

Yet the Establishment is straining every sinew to lodge Corbyn in the public consciousness as too close to the Russians.

Wonder why…

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