
“Can we exchange this pr**k for #Hawking?” #Hunt dismantled by Twitter for crass ‘tribute’

Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt provoked outrage and derision last year with his attempt to cast Professor Stephen Hawking – a man the intellectual superior of almost everyone and considered by many to be so far beyond the wit of Hunt that it beggars description – as “wrong in his characterisation of government policy towards the NHS”.

So it was inevitable that Hunt’s vulgar attempt today on social media to pay tribute to Hawking, who has died aged 76, would provoke a huge backlash – and it led to the politician’s comprehensive dismantling. A few of the hundreds of eviscerating replies to Hunt’s tweet are below.

Some reminded Hunt of Hawking’s opinion of the Health Secretary and their clash last year:

hunt hawk varhunt hawk howe

Others provided their own opinion:

hunt hawk var 2.png

Many pointed out that Hawking – who when diagnosed was told that he would live only two years more and lived over fifty – would never have survived under a private or insurance-based healthcare system, a fact Hawking referred to publicly:

hunt hawk 3.png

Others reminded Hunt of the legal action that Professor Hawking was involved in, along with other health campaigners, to block the latest privatisation measure – one that Theresa May refused to deny is a move to prepare for insurance-based healthcare – a legal action that will continue in Hawking’s sad absence:

hunt hawk legal

At least one respondent observed that Hunt’s tweet was unseemingly self-regarding:

hunt hawk self.png

And a few – showing the depth of outrage at the Tories’ attrition of the NHS as well as respect for the departed – offered prayers in the hope God might return Stephen Hawking in a swap:

hunt hawk 4.png


The Tories’ social media incompetence can often be hilarious. But when it meets their innate crassness, self-regard and lack of empathy, the results are ugly and the anger it provokes is profound.

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  1. “every corner of the globe”. Says it all really. Globes don”t have corners. This is the calibre of the “talent” governing us!

  2. The National Health Service IS our greatest national treasure but until today Professor Hawking shared that honour.

    Hunt is as a parasite sucking the blood from a cockroach in a pile of horseshit compared to either institution.

  3. after it’s performance in the HoC over the last couple of days the labour party is dead as a dodo – no oppositon whatsoever except corbyn himself – absolutely appalling and absolutley WARMONGERS

    1. ron What were you hoping for? (I’m not saying this cynically, but actually asking the question)

  4. I bet this bastard is so so relieved that Stephen Hawking has passed away so there’ll be no showdown ..Shame the wrong people die. .
    RIP Stephen.. you never know we may bump into each other in some black hole somewhere..

  5. The great visionary physicist, Stephen Hawking was a great supporter of, and campaigner for the NHS. He knew that he would have not survived his Motor Neurone Disease, had he not had access to free treatment.
    Two years ago a much-valued and loved, American friend of mine died from bowel cancer, NOT because he didn’t have private medical insurance, but because the cover was not limitless and he used it all up.
    He was a beloved family man and environmentalist, a Geology/Geography teacher who took his students walking and climbing mountains in the US. He was also an Anglophile.
    One of the last things he said to me was that, had he lived in the UK, he wouldn’t be dying.

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