
We asked Tory MP Davies if he denies comedian’s ‘appalling behaviour’ claim. His response?

Tory MP Philip Davies

Tory MP Philip Davies has been criticised for a habit of ‘filibustering’ parliamentary bills that he does not like, including attempting unsuccessfully – twice – to block measures to protect women from domestic violence, in spite of having just been elected to the Women and Equalities committee.

But that’s not all he’s alleged to have tried to block. Comedian Luisa Omielan claimed today on Twitter that the politician verbally abused her, attempted to block her exit and then ‘shoved’ her, after she questioned him about NHS cuts, divisions in the UK and homelessness:

Luisa Omielan’s tweeted allegations

The SKWAWKBOX contacted Mr Davies to ask for comment. His initial response did not address the questions we raised:

Thank you for your email.

My comment is as follows

“Only a hard left-wing blinkered idiot would believe anything at all they read on SKWAWKBOX”

Best wishes

Philip Davies MP

So we asked for clarification:

davies ab clear.png
“So just to be absolutely clear, you’re not denying the events took place..?”

His response:

davies would.png
“That would be wholly untrue”

‘Would be”, or “is”? So we asked for an explicit confirmation:

davies do you deny.png
“So you do deny it happened?”

We received no response so far.

Mr Davies subsequently told the Daily Mirror “I have no faith that the Daily Mirror will accurately report what I say.” We trust he will have no such complaints about this blog’s verbatim rendition of his responses.

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  1. So Philip Davies is aware of SKWAWKBOX!

    Well done, you are rapidly becoming the major irritant and focus on Tory and ‘other’ hypocrisy.

    1. Replied only 4 mins after the enquiry, so it’s not like he looked us up 😀 😀

  2. the guy it a twat in my view. pushing, shoving people, very oppressive. scary to see t5hat he is in a position of power.

  3. If you did the same to him you’d be in jail by now !
    One rule for Tories and stuff anyone else .

    1. Until Luisa Omielan lodges an official complaint with complaints@conservatives.com nothing will happen

      Mr. Davies has obviously broke his own party’s rules, their definition of bullying is – “Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour involving the misuse of power that can make a person feel vulnerable, upset, humiliated, undermined or threatened. Power does not always mean being in a position of authority, but can include both personal strength, influence and the power to coerce through fear or intimidation. Bullying can take the form of physical, verbal and non-verbal conduct ” http://www.conservatives.com/codeofconduct

  4. Yes amongst the Tory Barbarians some suggest this one is particurly repellent? Along with another Tory MP they talked out a Labour proposal to make private landlords like those in the public sector responsible for their tenants anti-social behaviour – pure co-incidence that they both happended to be private landlords too. He once visited the US to look into the death penalty and I think for a good laugh sat on the electric chair….no comment.

  5. Quiet telling when he says;

    “Only a hard left-wing blinkered idiot would believe anything at all they read on SKWAWKBOX”

    As I say his actions are of a hard right common thug

  6. I do hope you read this Mr Davis two words ‘ Get Lost’

    He should act in a way not only befitting the much muted tory code of conduct, pushing someone could be classed as common assault and there is also code of conduct expected from already parliamentary code of conduct, what sort of person out talks important legislature because it doesn’t fit his or the governments agenda

  7. FAO Kuenssberg, Pienaar, Humphrys, Robinson, Neil, et al.

    All your previous effort promoting tory values and dismissing/not reporting honestly about Corbyn has all been for nought.

    Davies has shown no gratitude whatsoever; in fact he accuses you lot in the bbc of ‘Leftist bias’

    I do hope you’ll bear his view in mind for the next time he’s interviewed; and will thus desist in your fawning sycophancy, and question him over-aggressively in accordance with, and also to confirm. his paranoid delusion.

    ….But I won’t hold my breath. :/

  8. Oh, sorry.

    I meant to say: “I do hope you’ll be more aggressive in your line of questioning towards davies to confirm that the bbc does, in fact, remain ‘impartial’ , as well as going some way to confirm that tories are always right in their assertions.”

    “I wouldn’t want to give the impression that this left-leaning observer was haranguing or bullying you in any way shape nor form.”

  9. It is typical of Davies’s arrogant attitude he really is a nasty individual and the sooner he is kicked out of Shipley the better. I think people there have had a gutsfull of his arrogance.
    His majority is 4,681and a 4.5% swing to Labour will see him out, I hope next election the Shipley result is broadcast I will cheer the rafters off if he loses.

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