Self-indulgent ‘moderates’ planning to disrupt Labour conference

Anti-Brexit campaigners are planning a series of protests at each of the main parties’ annual conferences this autumn. No problem with that, as the right to protest is an important aspect of a democracy. Here is the poster for the protest in Manchester:

Significantly, the October protest is in Manchester ‘to coincide with‘ the Tory conference, while the Labour one is at Labour’s Conference venue:

The SKWAWKBOX can reveal that a move is planned inside Conference by ‘moderates’ desperate to disrupt Jeremy Corbyn’s surging popularity to disrupt Labour’s Conference by means of either a ‘mirror’ protest inside the hall or a ‘walk-out’ to join protesters outside, which of course makes an even bigger mockery of the term ‘moderate’ than it already is.

Many of those protesting outside the venue will, no doubt, be doing so because they genuinely think they have a duty to prevent the UK leaving the EU – but those planning the move inside the hall appear to be motivated by a wish to damage the party and its leader by handing easy propaganda to Establishment politicians and media at a time when discipline is vital to accelerate the downfall of the Tories.

A relatively small cadre of Labour members and potentially a few MPs are therefore prepared to abuse the trust of members and of the country that desperately needs the end of Tory government, just to try to revive their vanishing prestige and relevance.

The vast majority of Labour members – already bristling at the increase in ‘noise’ about Brexit and freedom of movement by some of the usual undermining suspects as Conference draws closer – will have no tolerance for this ridiculous, self-indulgent stunt and will back any and all measures the party’s leadership takes to block the infantile behaviour.

The SKWAWKBOX encourages all Labour members to make clear to their MP and/or delegates that there is no room or appetite for such self-promoting grandstanding when Labour has a government to bring down and a country to rescue from Tory predations.

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