BBC confirm: Corbyn played #Brexit exactly right. Dugdale must resign #GE17

In February, the SKWAWKBOX analysed Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of the difficult situation around the Article 50 vote in Parliament. This blog judged that Corbyn had played a bad hand with extraordinary skill, that he had got it ‘exactly right’ – and Blairites derided the SKWAWKBOX for that judgment.

During tonight’s General Election coverage, the BBC’s panel looked at the results coming in from around the country and observed that Corbyn was winning votes in both remain and leave areas.

In other words, he played his Brexit hand exactly right.

Bravo Jeremy Corbyn. The night is not yet done but if he doesn’t end up in Downing Street by the weekend it will only be because of the astonishing idiocy of Kezia Dugdale in Scotland, who told voters to vote Tory – an offence that would have any ordinary member ‘auto-excluded’ from the party – which so far has fuelled Tory gains against the SNP that are shoring up what would otherwise be a Tory disaster.

Corbyn’s fitness to lead is beyond question. Regardless of the balance of results by the morning, Dugdale must resign.

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