Standing ovation for #BlackpoolGazette for world-class #ToryTrolling #GE17

The SKWAWKBOX has previously covered the phenomenon of Tory ‘wraparound’ ads on local newspapers – additional front and back pages added so that readers are forced to read Tory propaganda to get to any actual news.

But Tories in the north-west of England appear to have wanted to economise by taking only a half-page ad on the front page – and boy did they pay the price.

As Twitter user Nick Rhodes observed, it left them open to some world-class ‘trolling’ by the team at the Blackpool Gazette, who clearly decide that readers need a little real life next to the fantasy-propaganda:

Here’s Nick’s snapshot of the newspaper’s front page:

If the Tories get in, there really is ‘no end in sight’ to the suffering and degradation of our poor and vulnerable – and far more of us will enter those categories.

But on Thursday we have a chance to say a genuine ‘enough is enough’ – by making sure Corbyn’s Labour rides the crest of the groundswell to remove the Tories far from power.

Millions of our people now and future generations will suffer if we squander it.

Use your vote and help make sure others use theirs.

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