In 2016 Corbyn was mocked for this. Nobody’s laughing now #GE17 #Police

When Jeremy Corbyn instituted the new practice of asking questions from the public in PMQs (Prime Minister’s Questions), he was mocked and jeered by arrogant Tory MPs each time he mentioned a member of the public – which in itself speaks volumes.

But one question in particular echoes deafeningly now.

Late last year, just before Philip Hammond’s Autumn Statement was due, Corbyn stood to ask a question of Theresa May from ‘a taxpayer’ – and was jeered loudly by the MPs opposite.

Here is that question:

Cuts to community policing have been identified by security experts and senior police officers as the key driver to the failings in intelligence that have allowed radicalisation to pass without action – and Corbyn was raising the question months before the tragic events of the last three months.

We’ve already seen that Theresa May was warned by Corbyn, by police and by security experts about the dangers inherent in her pursuit of relentless cuts – and ignored every warning. She even scoffed at the police for their ‘scaremongering’.

But Corbyn saw the dangers. Not only that but he listened to those who knew from experience – and stood to champion them in spite of the scorn poured on him from the Tory benches.

And to champion us – the people Theresa May wantonly put at risk in order to fund tax cuts for corporations and the wealthiest. Or, as Labour’s election motto puts it – he stood for the many, not the few.

And if the many vote on Thursday as logic and sanity dictate, then on Friday morning we will have a Prime Minister who not only sees, but listens – and then does the right thing regardless of personal cost.

And that will be a rare and wonderful thing.

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