
Desperate times, desperate.. – #CCHQ word goes out to rags: ‘Help!’ #GE17

Strong evidence of co-ordination among the right-wing press this evening as two of the main right-wing rags published their front pages for tomorrow.

It appears that news of the continued Tory slide caused by their disastrous campaign has prompted campaign managers to send desperate word out to the Mail and the Telegraph to dust off their xenophobia headlines with almost identical messages in a bid to halt Labour’s relentless advance:

Of course, there isn’t a shred of truth in any of it, but what’s new.

However, it looks like Rupert Murdoch may not have received the ‘scream hordes’ memo. The Times‘ front page carries a rather different – and, for Tories, much more uncomfortable – message:

times 310517

Although it also (not shown) tries to stir up the anti-Semitism nonsense against Labour as well.

The Guardian identifies the problem correctly:

graun 310517

Corbyn’s campaign has taken hold – and the Tories are bankrupt of everything except personal attacks and racist dog-whistles.

Theresa May fancies herself made in the image of Thatcher. She’d do well to remember what her blighted role-model said about the significance of politicians making personal attacks:

If they attack you personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.

Thatcher never made a similar comment about stirring up race-hate, of course – but even if she had, it’s clear May’s far too panicked to listen.

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  1. Reblogged this on Sid's Blog and commented:

  2. Has anyone else noticed how Theresa May vilifies Jeremy Corbyn, but he never retaliates by stooping to personal attacks on her…He must have the patience of a saint..This is the man to deal with Brexit..Cool, calm and collected..Not some harridan with a wagging finger..We left that behind with our schooldays..

  3. ‘Only we have the will and the plan to make a success of Brexit’ (May intensifies personal attack as polls narrow, 31 May). I was trying to think who it was May reminded of – it’s Baldrick!

  4. Typical Tories and the media mudslinging about Labour what a joke Theresa May has a got a clue she talks about going out and talking to people and Jeremy wants to be on the television but Jeremy is always out in the streets and a parks talking to people not just one or two but thousands turn out to see Jeremy so what the hell I did toi Press talking about you should be ashamed of themselves the gang of idiots I do not buy papers because the only thing you can believe in a paper if the date it was printed I am a Liverpool fan at Hillsborough the day of the tragedy what does sun right about Liverpool fans disgusted doing the Tory press writing same thing about Jeremy Corbyn Jeremy is a great man I honest man a decent man not like Theresa May a phony liar Liar Liar there’s a record out there or somewhere I believe it is number one in the charts it is called liar Liar Liar but the record companies and the TV companies and the radio stations will not player it I wonder why it’s about Theresa May the Cob Shop but it is number one in the charts show play The Thing British people what Theresa May is all about liar Liar Liar vote Labour 8th of June thank you

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