May sends letter begging for support – to Welsh Labour leader #GE17

The Tory campaign – or rather, Theresa May’s campaign, since almost no other Tory front-benchers have been seen and the campaign branding is all about May with the Conservatives’ logo almost invisible – has been lurching from fiasco to disaster.

And that doesn’t only apply to May’s personal (or robotic) appearances.

May has been sending rather desperate letters to huge numbers of people, frankly begging them to give her their support – and it seems she’s not fussy about who she sends them to.

Carwyn Jones is the leader of Welsh Labour and you’d think the Tory admin machine would know better than to send him a Theresa May begging letter – but no. Sure enough, he received one, to his considerable amusement:

Jones saw the funny side:

But it’s to be hoped that everyone else who receives one will see this transparent nonsense for what it is – a sign of the Tories’ complete bankruptcy of ideas and the edge of desperation that has infected their efforts since Corbyn and Labour outclassed them on day one of campaigning.

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