Wallasey suspension extended without appeal. “But we still expect you when we want you”


The hubris of the Labour party’s General Secretary and of some parts of the NEC (National Executive Committee) is genuinely astonishing.

Wallasey CLP (Constituency Labour Party) was suspended before the Labour leadership election based on trumped-up and clearly nonsensical allegations of homophobia and at least one proven-false allegation, while the official NECDP (NEC Disputes Panel) report presented information in a misleading way and was a case-study in obfuscation. Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn attempted to prevent the NEC’s approval of the ridiculous report – and Wallasey MP Angela Eagle publicly misrepresented his presence at the meeting as ‘support’.

Most recently, the NEC initiated disciplinary proceedings against Wallasey vice-Chair Paul Davies for helping to create a detailed document refuting the allegations and highlighting the report’s inconsistencies and false statements. Davies wrote to party General Secretary Iain McNicol and received a breathtakingly arrogant letter in reply, which the SKWAWKBOX published on Friday, along with Davies’ subsequent and statesmanlike response.

Now, the latest chapter in this sorry saga of anti-democratic chicanery by Labour right-wingers with no respect for democracy or natural justice has come to light.

The suspension imposed on the CLP last year was supposed to be lifted this month, allowing the resumption of normal meetings. Without warning and without giving any reasons, Wallasey Labour members have received the email below (highlighting added):

In case it renders too small on your screen, opening the image in a new tab should enlarge it. But the text of the key parts are below:

At 10.30am Wallasey Labour Party will be meeting at Cherry Tree Shopping Centre..collecting signatures of the Save Wirral NHS petition and handing out leaflets…We have many events planned over the coming weeks..

Many members have requested an update on the current suspension of the constituency. The NEC met on Tuesday and agreed that the suspension should be reviewed again in March. However, to ensure that members are able to be engaged in Labour Party activity and campaigns, the Regional Office will be arranging…

So, the suspension of the CLP is being extended by at least another two months and the Labour bureaucracy just decided to do it and doesn’t even give a reason – but even while the CLP isn’t allowed any official gatherings, it’s apparently ok to gather to spend time and wear out shoe-leather when they’re wanted.

This isn’t the first time, either. Angela Eagle issued what amounted to a ‘booty call’ to members – members suspended in large part because of her – to come and support an event she had organised, which earned her an unequivocal slap-down from one such member.

It seems that every time the functionaries and right-wing NEC members open their mouths or send a letter, they make ever clearer the fact of their complete contempt for Labour members, their willingness to embrace hypocrisy by accepting their labour (pun intended) when they want it, their absolute unfitness for their position – and the fact that Labour can only move forward, unhindered and ready to fight, if they are removed.

The right-wingers were more than ready to carry out a purge last summer for their own purposes. It’s time the vast, pro-Corbyn majority of members got to return the favour.

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