Analysis Breaking

Reeves’s new book lifts whole Wikipedia sections

Shadow Chancellor denies plagiarism, but at least twenty sections are identical to Wikipedia entries or slightly reworded

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves’s new book is littered with examples of text lifted exactly, or very nearly, from Wikipedia, according to the Financial Times.

The paper identified at least twenty examples, with some exact and others only slightly modified, including this lengthy passage:

Ironically, a theme of the book is others taking credit for the work of women.

The publisher admitted that sections had been included without modification, but ‘allies’ of Reeves denied plagiarism. Her spokesperson said to the FT:

We strongly refute the accusation that has been put to us by this newspaper. These were inadvertent mistakes and will be rectified in future reprints.

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  1. Such dishonesty on the part of she who hopes to become Chancellor of the Exchequer.
    *** Mustn’t be caught with your fingers in the till ***

    1. Has she used the ‘inadvertantly’ safeword/ get-out clause, so oft (ab)used by her tory counterparts, yet?

      Only works in the HoC, ‘rache’…Goes on the balance of probabilities in a civil court 😏.

      Should’ve used that AI programme instead.

  2. But of course reeves has plagiarised wiki entries.

    Someone who is as intellectually defunct as to be unable to do anything BUT mimic toerag economic policies, and have the chutzpah to claim they aren’t toerag, has proven themselves incapable of innovation and original, independent thought.

    I wouldn’t trust reeves (or the rest of them) to run a bleedin’ whelk stall.

    1. And… You’re so imbecilic that you’ve had to resort to plaigiarising your own shite, stock answers.

      Do one, moron.

    2. Plagiarism is theft.

      If you’d ever created anything yourself, you would understand.

      Its such blatant dishonesty that in Germany politicians have to resign when caught doing it.

    3. “and”……:

      1. That is precisely the type of economy we now have not only in the UK but throughout the Collective West. An objective reality which is the antithesis of everything that people like Adam Smith and David Hume were about. A return, in short, to Feudalism without the Noblese Oblige. Little wonder the authoritarian Western Oligarchs whose arse you publicly lick daily steveH are keen to maintain it regardless of which Party is in power;

      2. which is also precisely the type of economy that your nonce enabler icon and war criminal supporter/enabler Kid Starver is committed to maintaining. And Reeves will toe that line, notwithstanding her book;

      3. as you continuously keep vaingloriously and delusionaly insisting, like a Don Quixote/Walter Mitty hybrid, that this is the only “viable” alternative despite all the contrary evidence……

      …..the least you can do is own the bag of shit you are unwisely and foolishly polishing as if your life depended on it – and it may well do so.

  3. I can remember how bloody annoyed I was when I wrote an article on a website, only to discover that someone lifted it and without changing a single word – except changing my name to his – and put it on his own website. “I thought you wouldn’t mind,” he said….

    When I ran a history website, some academic institution realised that it was ripe for lifting wholesale, and asked if they could draw it on, to check against students work…

    I suppose that what Reeves is saying is that she hasn’t a single thought of her own. I can believe that – of her and her boss!

  4. As she’s lifted her ‘economics’ wholesale from Chicago and George Osborne this does not come as surprise.
    No originality, no passion, no principle, no hope.

    1. Yes. That’s the problem: not that she is a plagairist without an idea of her own or the tiniest bit of initiative but that she adopts the ideas of the crassest and most extreme neo-liberals- the people who came up with Pinochet’s economic policy- and pretends that she came up with them on her own.

      Starmer, performing a Mussolini Tribute Act, is just as bad. Tories don’t have ideas they just follow orders- the only difference between the old Tories and these is that the original Tories advanced the interests of the ruling class because they were part of it. This lot just betrays the people for money.

    2. She’s always been a copper-bottomed moron in the Liz Truss mould. Quite the stupidest member of the Shadow Cabinet – and that’s saying something!

  5. Just absolutely typical but to be expected from a person who parrots her”Zionist without qualification” leader’s ” Israel has the right to defend itself” mantra, who considers war crimes and the massacre of innocents self defence and who despite the vengeful killing spree
    Israel has embarked on in Gaza and the West Bank remains its Friend and loyal supporter.
    She has no qualms about the backing Israel’s murderous campaign against innocent Palestinian men women and children so it is therefore unrealistic to expect her to have the decency to refrain from stealing other peoples work or to admit to any wrong doing in relation to this .

    1. Whoops:

      Shit, meet fan:

      “An internal Labour poll found that 78 percent of Muslim registered voters support Labour, which makes it the largest block vote anywhere in the country.

      This is about to disappear.

      Another prominent Muslim leader said that this was the party’s “Iraq war moment” – except that unlike in 2003, Muslims today are at real risk of being prosecuted for expressing support for Palestine.

      I am told that non-Muslim members of the Parliamentary Labour Party are in “complete panic” over the scale of the response they are getting from mosques, community centres and the public. MPs are getting thousands of individually written emails, which is unheard of on a single issue.

      There is so much anger in the community that mosques are refusing to see MPs. Lammy was allowed to go into one mosque, but he will want to quickly forget the reception he got.

      For three hours last week, Lammy’s surgery phoneline was jammed with calls about Gaza. Another “blockade” of Lammy’s phone line is planned for next Tuesday.

      Labour can ill afford to ignore its Muslim voters. About two dozen seats and 11 councils depend on the Muslim vote, including major cities like Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds, Manchester, Leicester, Luton, and Oldham.

      This is not a factional left-right issue in the party. It’s becoming an electoral problem for Labour.”

      They really are pissing on and pissing off everyone they need.

      At the present rate the only way the LP is going to get sufficient boots on the ground for canvassing is to do a deal with the job centers to force the registered unemployed to knock on doors for them – and I wouldn’t put it past them.

      1. Addendum:

        The article in the link above was originally published on 23 October by David Hearst at Middle East Eye.

        Arguably the most incendiary part of the piece is in this quote:

        “A senior adviser to Starmer was asked how many Gazans have to die before Labour will call for a ceasefire. The reply came: “As many as it takes…” ”

        Whilst I have not yet found the source of that quote its a moot point. The damage is already done.

  6. And her views on ‘sound money’ and ‘fiscal discipline’ bear a remarkable similarity to those of Philip Snowden, Chancellor of the Exchequer in the second Labour government, 1929-1931. Perhaps not a case of plagiarism, more one of simply being right wing.

    1. Was that the one which fell as a result of attempting to pursue – what was then as now considered to be – a ‘sound’ economic policy of maintaining the value of the Pound by keeping it on the gold standard in the middle of a run on the Pound not dissimilar to the run the 1992 Major Government experienced on ‘Black Wednesday” with the EMF crisis?

      Where the former Labour Chancellor, Philip Snowden, on news of the new Government solving the crisis by taking the Pound off the gold standard and floating it uttered the immortal words “no one told us we could do that!”

      ‘The more things change, the more things stay the same’ just doesn’t cover it any more.

  7. Of course, she has. She’s lifted her economic plans from George Osborne. Austerity Mk. ? – must be into double figures, by now.

  8. What a surprise…

    How this fool is fit to be a chancellor is beyond me. She couldn’t even handle a parliamentary credit card and had it withdrawn.

    We’re broke and heavily in debt already. I’m sure she’ll find more of that for us as taxpayers whilst her donors get the rewards via a bung (or donation as they prefer to call it) of a few thousand pounds.


    Crispin Blunt has admitted it is he. Not known what the controlled substance is, but he’s gone on the record as wanting to legalise harmful gay sex drug Alkyl Nitrate, also known as ,‘poppers’

    And of course, he was labelled brave for doing so.

    Wonder if those same rags and journalists will be calling him :brave’ if it transpires he firdt gets charged and then is found guilty of rape, with his controlled substance’ being a factor…

    We can only wait ‘n’ see.

    1. Reply to Toffee
      Crispin Blunt is a director of International Centre for Justice for Palestine. He issued letters to Sunak and Starmer stating that Israel was guilty of war crimes and by supporting Israel they were complicit in those war crimes. He threatened to take the pair of them to the International Criminal court. All this happened on 14 October .
      Today 12 days later he has been arrested for rape and possession. He denies the charges so as you say we can only wait and see what the eventual outcome may be. However with these serious charges hanging over him he won’t be in a position to pursue the issues about Israel’s war crimes which will please suit Sunak Starmer and the Israeli lobby.

      1. I’m aware of blunts ijcp directorship.

        BUT, remember he’s still a toerag, and as such he has previously:

        *Voted to take £30 per week from cancer sufferers

        *Voted for the tax credit cuts

        *Voted for the benefit cap

        *Voted for the two-child limit on child benefit.

        *Voted against giving children a free school meal..

        Which makes blurts directorship an irrelevance.

        I’m not gonna mitigate in any way for someone who thinks his possession of harmful substances (especially those designed to enhance his gay sex experiences) being made legal ought to be prioritised over the above matters.

        So, no. He doesn’t get any slack from me for his ijcp directorship. One child starver threatening to prosecute another doesn’t make the former any better than the latter, in my view.

      2. This is what Crispin Blunt himself has revealed about the time-line regarding this case. 🤔

        “I have now been interviewed twice in connection with this incident, the first time three weeks ago, when I initially reported my concern over extortion.
        The second time was earlier this morning under caution following arrest. “

      3. And further to my 11:51pm response, let’s not forget that blurt was a staunch defender of convicted pederast toerag mp imran ahmed khan; calling the latter’s conviction “a serious miscarriage of justice.”


      4. Reply to Toffee
        The point I was trying to make was that it is very convenient for Sunak and Starmer that these charges should have been made against Blunt at a time when he was threatening legal action against them for complicity in war crimes and he won’t be in a position now to pursue matters .

      5. Reply to Steve H
        From what you say it looks like Blunt made a complaint to the police 3 weeks ago, then 12 days ago he threatened to take Sunak and Starmer to the Internation Criminal Court for complicity in war crimes and now today he, not the person about whom he complained, has been charged with criminal offences.

      6. Smartboy – Nobody has been charged yet and according to Blunt’s tweet he is confident that the investigation “will end without charge”.
        Time will tell🤔

      7. He has resigned from ICJP. There’s nothing to stop them pursuing the legal case against Starmer and Sunak.

      8. Smartboy @1:48 am.

        Sorry chief, but that won’t wash with me, neither. Other MPs have been prosecuted, even when they’ve not been kicking up a stink**. And I’m sure the deputy director will still go ahead with this threatened prosecution IF blunt’s charged with rape.

        Even then, it’s still to be determined what this controlled substance turns out to be. Don’t hear blunt claiming it has been planted on him.

        **And rightfully so – even if the jury in one (wrongfully, imo) cleared (the now deputy speaker) nigel evans of a series of sexual assaults, it still showed him up to be a sex pest – having done the exact same thing for which pincher forfeited his seat.

      9. What a transparent fit-up! The Lobby are working flat out at the moment.

      10. Has anyone actually seen Blunt of late?

        There’s no amount of Viagra on the planet could get that guy to the point of being able in that regard. The allegation is one step away from grabbing a corpse from the local graveyard and charging it with same.

        The lobby and their useless idiots are getting really desperate.

      11. Thanks for that Smartboy. Touch of the Russel Brand going on with Crispin Blunt, then?

      12. Smartboy, they nobbled Alex Salmond, Julian Assange and tried it on with Russell Brand (that’s gone quiet hasn’t it ?)

        Now they’ve got Mr Blunt, who just so happened to threaten legal action against Starmer and Sunak over their support for Gaza Genocide.

        They’re not so subtle these days……

  10. timfrom27/10/2023 AT 2:49 AM
    What a transparent fit-up!

    I’m no expert, but I doubt someone’s gonna be charged with rape if there’s no physical evidence to corroborate a complaint.

    And as I said earlier, there’s the controlled substance that’s yet to be determined.

    I won’t allow blunt’s (former) directorship of icjp, or their posturing to cloud my reasoning (which they really should be taking action on rather than talking about, given the atrocities already carried out by israel which have been backed without encumbrance by sunak and smarmer; making them complicit, and by definition, guilty of icjp’s caveat) .

    Nor will I allow it to let his conservatism escape my attention.

    For once, I’m gonna go all wee gobshite on this and recommend we wait to see what gives.

    But, guilty or not, I won’t be entertaining any ‘stitch-up’ theories.

    1. Reply to Toffee and Steve H
      As you know both know when the Israeli lobby is involved and the actions of the Israeli government or their local backers are being citicised things tend to turn very nasty.I don’t know if Crispin Blunt is guilty or not but it all seems a bit fishy to me – thats all I’m saying

      1. And I’m saying I’m not gonna read much into it.

        blunt said he was first interviewed three weeks ago.

        Three weeks ago (from yesterday) is October fifth – not seventh. Hadn’t even gone off in gaza/israel then; and that’s not to mention that the allegations against blunt (or blunt’s original complaint about extortion) must have taken place earlier than that.

      2. Reply to Toffee
        You may be right – I don’t know but consider this . None of us knows what the eventual outcome will be but what we have seen so far is a Tory MP who has a platform in parliament and who is a very vocal supporter of Palestine silenced. If the situation has not been contrived then Blunts arrest ( without charge as Steve H has pointed out) is very opportune for Sunak Starmer and the Israeli Lobby

  11. I’ll grant it’s convenient but no more than that. Until there’s concrete evidence of any interference with the judicial process(es)** then I really can’t see it as anything other than coincidence. These things DO happen.

    **Evidence which would see blunt exonerated, and ought – repeat OUGHT – to see a massive public backlash (and more importantly, judicial and diplomatic retribution) against the agents provocateurs

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