
Video: Loach, Lafferty discuss war, refugees, decimated UK communities and their new film

‘The Old Oak’ has already been nominated for the ‘Palme d’Or’ at the Cannes film festival and will be Loach’s final film

World-famous film director and left-wing hero Ken Loach has a decades-long record of standing up for what’s right. In his new film, ‘The Old Oak’, Loach tells the story of a pub landlord in a previously thriving mining community, who struggles to keep his pub open as the last remaining public space for the people. Meanwhile Syrian refugees are placed in the town and the landlord finds friendship with one of the refugees despite rising tensions. Loach talked about war, refugees and communities decimated by uncaring governments and fall prey to right-wing hate:

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  1. The Old Oak review – Ken Loach’s fierce final call for compassion and solidarity*

    Last film, really? Even a minority Starmer government would goad 86 y.o.Ken Loach back to film making, energising and invigorating him to denounce the poverty, austerity and war never challenged by Sir Keir No-leader of Labour.

    *Don’t worry, it’s a dumptheguardian archive-site link. Your browser will not be tracking you for King, Country and Uncle Sam (anymore than it already is).

  2. Ken Loach was expelled from the Labour Party using new rules with retrospective application. A first for a civil rights lawyer!

    Loach will be remembered as a great director.

  3. Ken Loach has ALWAYS been a great director ….. Always on OUR side.
    No wonder that Starmer decided that there was no room for his humanity in the “trilateral” Labour Party.

  4. Ken Loach personifies the people we should aspire to be like, every film he makes has the ability to grasp how desperately Starmer and his ilk are out of touch, any other leader with slightly left wing policies would be 50% ahead of this dysfunctional Tory rabble.

    1. Doug – Putting aside for a moment the fact that the polls show that about 59% of Labour voters approve of Keir’s leadership and only 15% disapprove what on earth do you imagine that ‘the left’ would gain from a new Labour Party leader?

      1. How much would they approve of him if the media put him under any serious scrutiny?

      2. 246
        Like all Centrists, you live in a Bubble
        The Local Elections gave you a 9 point lead, that’s a hung parliament
        Real voters saying ‘off you must fuck’

      3. Doug – ….and what on earth do you imagine that ‘the left’ would gain from a new Labour Party leader?

      1. Doug – I’ve absolutely no idea, why don’t you do some research and let us all know when you know the answer.😏

      2. …and it doesn’t concern you, at all, that the poll I posted doesn’t appear anywhere on the polls you posted?

        Both YouGov polls from the 21st of May.

        Very strange.

      3. George – There’s nothing strange at all. If you take closer look you will see that we are both quoting figures from the same YouGov poll.

  5. A new LP leader or even the re-installation of a prior one are all missing the bigger picture: ‘kick out the Tories’ as a rallying cry is a busted flush when all you can expect is a different five year stranglehold on power during which any opposition is neutered. If any party stands on a ticket of dismantling FPTP they have my vote because the next time I vote I might be presented with an actual choice.

  6. I can never understand how so many of you allow yourselves to be deflected from a discussion of how great a film director Ken Loach is.
    Loach personifies the humanity that is the essence of our socialism.
    That’s why Starm-trooper kicked him out of the Labour Party – Because his presence in the party overshadows the grey, soul-less effigy that is the party leader.
    That’s something that the paid-troll does not want us to be discussing.

    1. Well said johnsco1…….

      Sadly people fall for the diversionary Turd Polisher time after time.

      Loach is a hero, his work and reputation will last for ever.

      1. I wasn’t the one that started the discussion about Starmer. My only sin was to point out that Doug was spouting rubbish.

      2. Yet once again you fail dismally to substantiate with argument and evidence why it is you think Doug, in this case, is “spouting rubbish.”

        Once again demonstrating that any half-wit can spout invective on the basis that just because they’ve said it must be so.

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