
Another dirty Labour campaign backfires big-time

Eastfield by-election exposes political and moral bankruptcy of Starmer’s party

Earlier this month, a disgusting sewer-level campaign by Keir Starmer’s Labour backfired in massive style when Liverpool Community Independents won both seats in previously dyed-red Labour Garston. Labour had not only published a leaflet full of disgusting attacks on Sam Gorst, but doubled down when challenged – and got a thorough spanking at the ballot box from appalled locals who have seen how hard the local independent pair work for them.

Now a similar backfire has taken place in the Eastfield by-election in North Yorkshire. Rather than pitch Keir Starmer’s policies and vision to voters – admittedly hard since Starmer doesn’t really have any except ‘more of the same’ – Labour chose to smear the supposedly ‘hard left’ independent (and former Labour) incumbent Tony Randerson.

The result was complete, humiliating implosion for Labour – the party fell by more than 57 points, falling below even the LibDems while Randerson romped home:

How it started and how it finished in Eastfield.

Just as in Garston, where the Labour right was so out of touch with local working-class people and their views that they thought Gorst’s record of criticising the queen and refusing to vote for cuts to public services would work against him, Labour clearly didn’t realise that the people of Eastfield are clearly hungry for ‘hard left’ politics – which aren’t really hard left but do entail real change to this country’s diseased status quo.

The more Starmer and what he stands for are seen by voters, the less they like.

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