Maths-fail Labour botches attempt to hit Tories over cost of living

Labour’s sums just don’t add up – so much for ‘competence’

An attempt by Keir Starmer’s Labour to create a ‘household bill’ meme to hit the Tories over the ‘cost of living crisis’ – in reality a manufactured emergency enriching the Tories’ corporate backers – backfired after Labour couldn’t even write add up five lines of numbers.

The party’s Twitter account posted a photoshopped image of a shop receipt that it said added up to an additional cost to households of £3,500 – but the problem was, it didn’t:

Labour’s attempt was a feeble one even without the failure to perform basic arithmetic: Starmer and his awful Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves are only offering to freeze prices at the same catastrophic levels they are at now – they even admit they have no real interest in significant change – so, as in so many ways, they are just as bad as Sunak’s dire gang.

Lacking vision, policies, principles and a backbone, the only thing Starmer’s supporters can claim he offers is some notion of dreary competence – but this and many other blunders and stupidities show they don’t even have that.

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