Graham hiding responses to ‘ratioed’ Starmer-cosy tweet

Even the responses not (yet) hidden by Unite GS are overwhelmingly negative – but those she has hidden are even more damning

Just a couple of the overwhelmingly damning replies to Graham’s tweet – including some she has hidden

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham has long been criticised for being too ready to cosy up to anti-worker Labour party leader Keir Starmer – chummily referred to as ‘Keir’ – particularly since she signalled an accommodation with him last September.

And another such tweet, or rather short series of tweets, has seen such a negative response that she hid some of them so that they can only be accessed by those who know to click on the button beneath her message to reveal them. Below are the items hidden as of this afternoon:

Even those not hidden are overwhelmingly critical – and came in sufficient numbers to ‘ratio’ her tweet, considered a reliable guide to the unpopularity of a Twitter post. Below are just a few examples of hundreds of replies:

Graham’s compromising with Starmer is far from the limit of the problems with the way she is running Unite. She has been accused of allowing candidates supportive of her to stand for election to the Unite executive despite not being eligible – and of trying to destroy evidence of bullying and misogyny by her husband then promoting him to a senior role in her team, despite him being on a final warning for his conduct, without the union’s normal approval procedures. In addition, she has been described as taking credit for achievements that were not hers or exaggerating them while her team conned workers into voting for poor deals.

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