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Video: right-winger Smeeth says minority Jews should be ignored – and if they don’t like it, ‘tough’

Scandalously little challenge from BBC to bigotry of Labour right – but at least presenter asked the question

Right-wing horror Ruth Smeeth exposed the reality of the arrogance and bigotry of her faction when she boasted today on BBC News that left-wing Jews, who support the human rights of Palestinians and do not support Israeli apartheid, should be ignored – because they’re a minority. And, she added, if they don’t like it, then tough, ‘basically’:

Smeeth, in 2016, falsely accused Black activist Marc Wadsworth of an antisemitic attack during a press conference. These days she runs the ironically-named Index on Censorship, an organisation supposedly fighting for free speech, but was apparently quite content to see Jews who think human rights should apply to all humans kicked out of the Labour party, adding that many Jewish Voice for Labour members have been kicked out, and saying it as if that strengthened her argument rather than exposing Keir Starmer’s antisemitism, support for apartheid and contempt for the lives and rights of Palestinians.

The lack of challenge to Smeeth’s narrowmindedness and arrogance on the programme was appalling – but it was remarkable that she was even asked the question on a channel that played an enthusiastic role in pushing the ‘Labour antisemitism’ scam on the UK public.

This country is deeply sick.

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