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‘Supertanskiii’s threatening and abusive email to Skwawkbox

Skwawkbox has reported recently on the social media posts – and alleged posts – of Tan Smith, otherwise known and ‘Supertanskiii’.

Ms Smith had posted images to her social media of her adopting what appears to be a Hitler pose next to a man wearing an ‘I love Hitler’ t-shirt. There does not seem to be any serious doubt about the authenticity of the images, despite her initial denial, since she subsequently apologised for them.

Ms Smith was then alleged to have posted social media comments discussing the ‘jewish face’ and ‘jew curls’ of someone named ‘Mitch’. Skwawkbox contacted her for comment and noted her denial and response in full in the article.

Ms Smith has this afternoon emailed the following to Skwawkbox, in a tone that might be said to be at odds with her public appeals of PTSD as mitigation for her posts:

The email is also at odds with the idea of legal advice, since it would certainly not play well in court if it came to it. It was not marked as confidential and does not constitute a letter before action. It was sent as a further reply to Skwawkbox’s original request for comment, so I’ve being treated as such and shared as being of clear public interest in the debate around the antisemitism smear against the left and those that help propagate it.

So much for ‘moderates’.

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