Analysis Announcement

Will Labour expel Holocaust survivor from Starmer’s CLP for participating in this event this week?

Will Labour dare to throw out child Holocaust survivor from Starmer’s own constituency for speaking about his experience?

Stephen Kapos, from a video about his wartime childhood experience

The Socialist Labour Network is holding a Zoom event this Friday to discuss ‘reclaiming the memory’ of all who died in the Holocaust. The event will feature survivors and authors – including a child survivor of the Holocaust who is a Labour party member in Keir Starmer’s own constituency.

Stephen Kapos, who survived the nazis’ extermination of Jews in Hungary, is a Labour member in Holborn and St Pancras, the London constituency ruled with an iron fist by Starmer acolytes, according to locals. Under what passes for Starmer’s leadership, Labour has been expelling left-wing Jews for association with any group or event that challenges Starmer’s right-wing narrative and his support for Israeli apartheid, but will he dare expel a local member, who escaped the mass murder of Jews and others, for speaking about his experience and viewpoint?

The event organisers say that their purpose is to ‘reclaim the memory’ of the millions murdered by the nazis, including Jews, Roma Gypsies, gay people and the disabled, from those who exploit it to justify oppression and occupation:

For too long Zionism has used the memory of those who died to justify the dispossession of the Palestinians and war crimes perpetrated against them. The time has come to reclaim the memory of those who died in the fight against racism, fascism and imperialism.

Speakers include Jewish holocaust survivors Suzanne Weiss and Stephen Kapos, as well as Roma Holocaust expert Dr Adrian Marsh, Electronic Intifada editor Ali Abunimah and Jewish author Tony Greenstein. It is being held online to avoid right-wing attempts to intimidate venue owners into cancelling, as has often happened previously.

Those who wish to register for the event can do so here.

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