Video: Labour rules out renationalising energy companies – because they’d rather give them more money

Utter nonsense that Labour is spouting is criminally dishonest

Keir Starmer: thumbs up for huge energy bills and corporate profits

Labour has dismissed the idea of renationalising energy companies to free millions of UK people from the terror of unaffordable energy bills – and misled on the feasibility of doing so.

In an interview on Sky News, Labour front bencher Steve Reed told viewers this morning that it would cost ‘an awful lot of money’ to renationalise the companies that are being allowed to gouge householders with eye-watering increases – increases that are not being mirrored in other countries.

And Reed said that instead Labour would want to put cash into paying energy bills – a move that would entrench and inflate obscene corporate profits even further:

But according to the TUC it would cost only some £2.5 billion to renationalise the UK’s energy supply – and even if it was twenty times that, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the positive impact on life in this country that it would have.

And of course, it doesn’t have to cost anything. The government could simply legislate to take it all back – and tell companies that they had more than had their money back in profits in the more than three decades since the Tories flogged it all off. But there is clearly no interest among any of the main political parties in doing so, including – to its undying shame – the current Labour regime and its ‘leader’ who promised to do it in order to con Labour members into voting him into the position.

This is not a crisis. It’s a robbery – and Labour is holding the swag bag for the corporate barons no less than the Tories.

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