Starmer deletes all YouTube reference to day conference voted to support sanctions against ‘apartheid’ Israel

Labour right’s attempt to erase history compounds contempt shown by Starmer, Nandy and others for democratic wishes of Labour members and unions

A mass show of solidarity with Palestinians at the preceding Labour conference

The Labour party has surreptitiously deleted all reference to day three of its 2021 annual conference from its YouTube channel – the day on which a ‘historic’ motion calling for sanctions against ‘apartheid’ Israel was overwhelmingly passed by Labour members and affiliated unions.

The party had already cut off its YouTube stream for the duration of the debate and vote, but had broadcast other parts of the day. However, it seems the right-wing regime is determined to erase it from history completely, as the ‘day 3’ recording is now missing from the party’s YouTube archive:

The streams without days in the title are of day one and of Keir Starmer’s conference speech on the final day of the five-day event. A Labour source described the move as ‘cowardly and outrageous’.

On the day after the conference, Starmer and then-Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy rejected the motion and the regime has ignored it since, despite confererence’s standing in Labour’s rules as the party’s ultimate authority – later using the ridiculous excuse that conference is only sovereign while it’s actually taking place.

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