Breaking: P&O triggers ports crisis by sacking whole workforce by zoom to replace with cheap labour

RMT union mounts sit-in on ships as company sends in masked strike-busters with handcuffs

The P&O ferry company has triggered a ports crisis by sacking almost its entire seafaring workforce of 800 workers via Zoom message in order to replace them with cheap foreign labour:

Unions have mounted a sit-in on P&O vessels in response, to prevent cheap replacement crews accessnig the bessels, but there are reports that the company has sent in masked strike-busters from a security contractor, armed with handcuffs to physically wrestle workers from the ships. A leaked company email reveals that the company arranged this well in advance of springing the news on workers:

Skwawkbox view:

Absolute solidarity with the sacked P&O workers against such cynical abuse that demonstrates this country’s further slide into oppression and exploitation.

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