Right-wing fixer Akehurst’s local party goes overwhelmingly left

Right-winger Luke Akehurst has been one of Keir Starmer’s favourite hatchet men since the beige barrister took over the Labour party – and Akehurst’s Labour First faction has boasted of Starmer’s ‘enforcers’ tightening their boss’s authoritarian grip on the party, while Akehurst himself was imposed on left city Liverpool to ensure only right-wing candidates were selected for recent local by-elections.

So it must have come as a bit of a blow when Akehurst’s own ‘CLP’ (constituency Labour party) yet again went overwhelmingly left, as left-winger Patricia McLoughlin reported this morning:

Perhaps stung by the observation, Akehurst has since resumed his Twitter feed, sadly. But in all the blighted toxicity that is the Labour party in its current hollowed-out form, there was one small ray of sunshine in Oxford this weekend.

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