Starmer says he’ll support legislation without knowing what it’ll say (video)

The urge to collude with the Tories is just too strong

Keir Starmer’s blue is showing

In this video from the Not the Andrew Marr Show, Keir Starmer promises Boris Johnson that he’ll support Johnson’s ‘online harms’ bill.

Bad enough that Starmer is yet again rolling over instead of opposing a Tory move – but Starmer hasn’t even seen it yet. He can’t see it, as it hasn’t been finalised yet. As Mark Johnson points out, it’s still in ‘scrutiny’ and subject to rewrites:

The bill is expected to be designed to attack the safety and privacy rights of vulnerable individuals, as well as shutting down genuine criticism, under the guise of targeting online abuse. But Starmer’s Establishment urge to collude is just too strong.

The leader of the facilitation, certainly not of the opposition.

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