‘Abused’ Webbe will appeal ‘atrocious’ verdict

MP found guilty of harassment but allies say verdict a travesty, while Labour machine again shames itself

Labour MP Claudia Webbe will appeal against her conviction on a charge of harassment, Skwawkbox understands. Ms Webbe had told the court during the trial that she was a victim of ‘domestic abuse and coercive control’ and had been ‘goaded and gaslighted’ – a claim not disputed by Lester Thomas, her partner to whom she is still engaged.

A close associate of Ms Webbe told Skwawkbox:

She’s another abused woman caught in the awful behaviour of a coercive, controlling partner – like Apsana [Begum]. Apsana was found not guilty but this is an atrocious conviction.

In true Labour right style, Labour has not stood by an abused woman MP pending the outcome, instead exploiting the opportunity, instantly disowning Webbe and calling on her to resign her seat – moves that would certainly have followed had the right’s stitch-up of Apsana Begum been successful.

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